Project Name: Bahamas deep-diving toothed whale telemetry and dive behavior Date Range: 2009 to 2014 Subject: Movements and dive behaviors of deep-diving toothed whales in the Bahamas Region: Channels of the Northern Bahama Archipelago in the Sub-tropical North Atlantic Contact Person(s): Trevor Joyce,, John Durban,, Diane Claridge, Data Description: Histograms representing the proportion of time a tag spent in 12 temperature bins define in 2C increments between 4C and 24C TAT histograms were returned by Argos satellites from SPOT5 tags produced by Wildlife Computers. TAT were collected in 6-hour sampling periods, and sampling periods were programmed to begin at 01:00, 07:00, 13:00, or 21:00 local time, so that the majority (>80%) of sampling of each TAT histogram fell within either daytime or nighttime. TAT histograms that were translated into units of depth using the hydrographic data and interpolation methods detailed in Joyce et al. (2016). Related Figures: Fig. 5a Data Fields: Ptt: Platform Transmitter Tag unique ID number RDate: Date-time of histogram start time (MM/DD/YY HH:MM) T2460: % in 24C - 60C T2224: % in 22C - 24C T2022: % in 20C - 22C T1820: % in 18C - 20C T1618: % in 16C - 18C T1416: % in 14C - 16C T1214: % in 12C - 14C T1012: % in 10C - 12C T810: % in 8C - 10C T68: % in 6C - 8C T46: % in 4C - 6C T04: % in 0C - 4C Species: Species Name