Project Name: Bahamas deep-diving toothed whale telemetry and dive behavior Date Range: 2009 to 2014 Subject: Movements and dive behaviors of deep-diving toothed whales in the Bahamas Region: Channels of the Northern Bahama Archipelago in the Sub-tropical North Atlantic Contact Person(s): Trevor Joyce,, John Durban,, Diane Claridge, Data Description: A table of species used to implement a phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) inter-specific comparative analysis. Aside from the five species tagged in this study maximum dive duration (Tmax) and inter-deep-dive interval (IDDI) as well as body mass (m) and myoglobin concentration ([Mb]) derive from literature-reported values or were extracted from supplemental materials. Related Figures: Fig. 6 Data Fields: COMMON_NAME: Common Name SPP_NAME: Species Name T_MAX: Maximum Dive Duration (minutes) MASS: Body Mass (kg) Mb_MAX: Myoglobin Concentration (g/kg muscle tissue) IDDI: Inter-deep dive interval (minutes)