This dataset contains data from: Krist, M. and Munclinger, P. CONTEXT-DEPENDENCE OF MATERNAL EFFECTS: TESTING ASSUMPTIONS OF OPTIMAL EGG SIZE, DIFFERENTIAL- AND SEX-ALLOCATION MODELS. Ecology. Data collector: Miloš Krist, e-mail: Dataset is saved as CSV file separated by semicolons. There are no special symbols for missing data. Missing data are simply empty cells in the spreadsheed. Each row contains data for a different chick. Some columns contain data on the nest level, so here values are the same for all nestmates. The dataset has following columns: 1) Year - year of the study. 3) Nest_of_origin - identity of the nest of origin. This is composed from the year (the first two numbers), study plot (a letter), and nest-box number (numbers following the letter). 2) Nest_of_rearing - identity of the nest of rearing. This is composed from the year (the first two numbers), study plot (a letter), and nest-box number (numbers following the letter). 4) Laying_date - Laying date in the nest of rearing. Julian date (1 = 1st January). 5) Mean_pre-fledging_mass - mean mass of chicks in nest of rearing (in grams). 6) Postnatal_conditions - residuals of mean_pre-fledging _mass (variable 5) on mean egg mass in the nest of rearing. 7) Number_fledged - number of chicks that fledged from nest of rearing. Only nests with at least two young fledged were used for most analyses. 8) Offspring_sex - M = male, F = female. 9) Egg_size - volume of egg (in mm3). 10) Nestling_mass - body mass of offspring at age 6 days (in grams). 11) Pre-fledging_mass - body mass of offspring at age 13 days (in grams). 12) Pre-fledging_tarsus - tarsus length of offspring at age 13 days (in mm). 13) Pre-fledging-wing - wing length of offspring at age 13 days (in cm). 14) Pre-fledging_immunity - PHA immunity: thickness of right patagium 24 hours after injection of PHA minus thickness of this patagium before the injection (in mm). 15) Hatchability - an indication whether the egg hatched or did not hatch. 16) Fledging_success - an indication whether the chick fledged or did not fledge. 17) Recruitment - an indication whether the offspring recruited into the breeding population during the course of this study (= recruited) or not (= unrecruited). 18) Fitness - lifetime reproductive success of recruits. Number of eggs laid in lifetime. 19) Manipulation? - an indication whether the recruit was included in a manipulation that can impact its survival or fecundity (yes) or was unmanipulated or manipulated in a way that is unlikely to have severe impact on its survival or fecundity (no).