Sarah's Experimental Evolution Project--Fitness Data for Generations 1-5										

Population 	Generation	 Seed mass(g)	Generation	 Seed mass(g)	Generation	 Seed mass(g)	Generation	 Seed mass(g)	Generation	 Seed mass(g)
B1	1	5.376	2	7.300	3	7.440	4	8.970	5	5.290
B2	1	6.025	2	4.480	3	5.260	4	11.330	5	10.530
A1	1	0.892	2	0.161	3	0.416	4	1.321	5	2.593
A2	1	1.093	2	0.248	3	0.342	4	1.053	5	1.696

Number of Plants per Population at time of final harvest										
Gen	B1	B2	A1	A2						
1	813	652	753	643						
2	652	448	424	458						
3	1353	816	770	835						
4	940	719	697	762						
5	579	758	312	420

Inbreeding Estimates (F) from program Coancestry, using Lynch and Ritland Index

Population	Mean F	Variance	SE	Coef Variation
A1		0.7526	0.1842		0.0384	57.03
A2		0.7340	0.2096		0.0336	62.38
B1		0.4250	0.2828		0.0396	125.13
B2		0.3282	0.2966		0.0435	165.96
Source		0.0389	0.1988		0.0323	1146.89