Trajectories: structure array of data from target-hitting task phase of the experiment. Data describe the entire movement trajectory of each trial. --18 rows (1 for each subject) --4 fields: 1) ProcControlSig: normalized processed control signal applied as input to the cursor 2) Time (seconds): running continuously throughout experiment 3) CursorPos (degrees): position of the cursor on the circle track 4) TargetPos (degrees): position of the target on the circle track --Each entry of the structure holds a cell array with 75 rows (1 row is a single trial) and 3 columns (each column is data from using a different control signal--column 1 Torque, column 2 is Torque+Noise, and column 3 is EMG) AFC: structure array of data from 2-alternative forced choice phase of the experiment --18 rows (1 for each subject) --2 fields: 1) Stimulus: perturbation size (degrees) 2) Decision: subject decision on which trial was perturbed (1 for a correct decision, 0 for incorrect) --Each entry of the structure holds a cell array with 3 columns (column 1 is Torque, column 2 is Torque+Noise, and column 3 is EMG) ProcessedData: data summary from both phases of experiment --6 fields: 1) Control Signal used: 1 is Torque, 2 is Torque+Noise, 3 is EMG 2) JND: just noticeable difference from 2AFC phase 3) SNR: signal-to-noise ratio from target-hitting phase 4) MeanAbsError_all: mean absolute error from all trials of the target-hitting phase 5) MeanAbsError_last8: mean absolute error from the last 8 trials of the target-hitting phase 6) Subject --Each array is 54x1 (18 subjects x 3 protocols each = 54)