Figure2.mat: data of ray-tracing examples used in Figure 2 nonduct: nonduct rays duct: duct rays nonduct/duct.n3d.den1: density profile used (m^-3) nonduct/duct..n3d.x/y/z: Cartesian coordinates used in density profile (RE) nonduct/duct.rtd: the rays used in the figure x/y/z: Cartesian coordinates of the ray (RE) lat: magnetic latitude of the ray (deg) lvalue: dipole Lshell of the ray psid: wave normal angle (deg) thetap: angle between Poynting vector and background B field (deg) Gendrin: Gendrin angle (deg) rkxbig/rkybig/rkzbig: three components of k vector in Cartesian coordinates Figure4_rt.mat: data of ray-tracing of the 3 Alpha stations used in Figure 4 output{1}: 36 rays from KHA station output{2}: 36 rays from NOV station output{3}: 36 rays from KRA station The variables in each ray is the same as RT_example.mat Figure3-5.mat: data of statistical results of Alpha transmitter sigals waveform analysis for every identified pulse rbsp_num: statellite number, 1 for RBSPA, 2 for RBSPB lshell: Lshell of each pulse mlat: magnetic latitude of each pulse (deg) mlon: magnetic longitude of each pulse (deg) mlt: magnetic local time of each pulse (h) B_str: magnetic amplitude (nT) B_str_mean: averaged magnetic amplitude in each pulse, used to calculate the power (nT) E_str: electric amplitude (mV/m) Wave_3B3E: wave normal angle (deg) Azmu_3B3E: azimuthal angle of k vector (deg) Wave_P: polar angle of Poynting vector (deg) Azi_P: azimuthal angle of Poynting vector (deg) Plan_3B3E: planarity Kp_max: maximum Kp index in the previous 48 hours