Kachincambala muelleri gen. et sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: F9CC6697-1E02-4A41-AABA-1E5EE46D7AFA

Fig. 4


Kachincambala muelleri gen. et sp. nov. differs from the only other species of the genus, K. distorta gen. et sp. nov., in gonopod characters. The anterior gonopod coxite is more stout in K. muelleri gen. et sp. nov., less than twice as long as wide, while it is more narrow in K. distorta gen. et sp. nov. The inner lobe is apically rounded, nearly triangular and bends mesally. The outer lobe of the anterior gonopod is short and broad, oriented more laterally than in K. distorta gen. et sp. nov. Telopodite of anterior gonopod is broad, shorter than coxite. Posterior gonopod simple, broad, reaching over inner lobe of coxite.


In honour of Patrick Müller, who granted us access to his large collection of inclusions in Burmese amber for study, which resulted in the discovery of the specimens studied here, and who donated the type material to the ZFMK. Noun in the adjective case.

Type material


MYANMAR • ♂; Kachin State, Hukawng Valley, Mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber inclusion; formerly in the collection of Patrick Müller (BuB3757); ZFMK-MYR10225.


HABITUS.>41 body rings; cylindrical and slender, up to at least 12 mm long and 0.5 mm wide. Colour dark brown to greyish (Fig. 4A–C).

HEAD. As wide as collum and body rings 6 onwards, wider than body rings 2–5. Head and labrum with setae. Labrum with three teeth (Fig. 4D).>30 ommatidia arranged in several rows. Incisura lateralis present, closed.Antennae ca 800 µm long, covered by setae, 7<1<2<4=5<3<6, with four apical sensory cones (Fig. 4B). Mandible base with small cardo ca ¼ of length of large stipes (Fig. 4C). Gnathochilarium with mentum divided in eumentum and promentum, large triangular lamella lingualis, large stipites occupying entire length of gnathochilarium, with inner and outer palp (Fig. 4E).

TRUNK. Collum large, laterally with triangular extension. Body rings 2–5 narrower than collum and following body rings. Body rings totally fused from body ring 5 onwards, anterior four body rings with sternite free from pleuro-tergite. Body rings from body ring 5 onwards with distinctly arched metazonite and wider than prozonite. Metazonite ventrally with 7–9 striae. Ozopores from body ring 6 onwards positioned ventro-lateral on metazonite (Fig. 4C).

LEGS. Body rings 3 and 4 seemingly legless, from body ring 5 onwards 2 leg pairs per body ring (Fig. 4B). Anterior three leg pairs shorter than following legs but not reduced in segmentation. Midbody legs with coxa, prefemur, femur, postfemur, tibia, tarsus. Podomeres covered by setae. Tarsus> tibia> prefemur = femur> postfemur> coxa. Accessory spine on tarsus absent.


MALE SEXUAL CHARACTERS. Leg pair 1 reduced in size, not in segmentation (Fig. 4A). Anterior gonopod plate-like, coxite with apically rounded inner lobe and shorter outer lobe, which extends laterad. Inner lobe ca two times as long as outer lobe. Telopodite as long as coxite’s inner lobe, apically rounded. Presence of flagellum unknown. Posterior gonopod as long as anterior gonopod; apically with rounded lobe extending laterally (Fig. 4F–G).


Measurements and taphonomy

MEASUREMENTS. Ca 12 mm long, 0.5 mm in diameter.

AMBER DESCRIPTION. Flat, triangular, 15.5 × 8.9 × 3.0 mm. Yellow transparent with brownish areas close to animal. With crack.

SYNINCLUSIONS. Insect remains, stellate hairs.

TAPHONOMIC FEATURES. Specimen straight. Posterior body rings missing (cut away). Mid body partially obscured by crack. Gonopods everted. Defence fluid released from ozopores (Fig. 4A).