This package includes the files needed to reproduce the morphometric and comparative analyses in the following paper: Smith, S.D., and R. Kriebel. 2018. Convergent evolution of floral shape tied to pollinator shifts in Iochrominae (Solanaceae). Evolution. 1. Iochrominae_flower_shape.Rmd: The R code to reproduce the analysis. The relative paths are set to the other folders in this package so the user can run out of the box. 2. data folder: includes the data.csv file with the other variables used in the analyses. 3. outlines folder: includes the corolla tube outlines used in the morphometric analysis. 4. phylogenies folder: 4a. MCC_tree.nex: a chronogram 4b. 126_trees.nex: file with 126 chronograms 5. results folder: contains the file results_l1ou_100trees_pBIC.rds which are the results of the shift detection analyses across 100 trees.