Urophora lejura Rondani, 1870

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1870a: 14 (key), 19 (description).

TYPE LOCALITY: “ in Apenninis montuosis ditionis parmensis, et foeminam sardoam [Parmese Apennine mountains, and a female from Sardinia (Italy)]”.

TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♀, lectotype (missing left wing, abdomen in a microvial pinned below specimen) (MZUF: Box 32): Urophora Desv. / lejura Rnd., Sard. [= Sardinia], Apen. [= Apennines], ♀ / 1692 / To be lectotype [not designated] Urophora lejura Rondani, det. I.M. White, 1986; 4 ♂♂, paralectotypes (one missing right hindleg) (MZUF: Box 32): Urophora Desv. / lejura Rnd. ♂ / 1692 / paralectotype [not designated] Urophora lejura Rondani, det. I.M. White, 1986.

CURRENT STATUS: junior synonym of Urophora macrura (Loew, 1855) (Foote 1984: 143); junior synonym of U. mauritanica Macquart, 1843 (White & Korneyev 1989: 353, Norrbom et al. 1999: 242).

REMARKS: Rondani (1870a: 19) described Urophora lejura without specifying either the number or the length of the specimens, from material he had collected and also received from M. Spinola. White & Korneyev (1989: 354) reported one female and four males in the MZUF. Ian M. White examined the MZUF type material in 1986, adding the label “ lectotype ” and “ paralectotype ” under the specimens, but without publishing a lectotype designation. In order to promote nomenclatural stability, we give credit to I.M. White and here designate as a lectotype for Urophora lejura Rondani, 1870 the female labeled as such by him.