Chetina setigena Rondani, 1856


TYPE LOCALITY: Rondani gave no type locality in his original description but later (1861f: 373) added “ in agro parmensi …, tam in planitie quam in montuosis [Parmese territory (Italy) …, both plains and mountains]”.

TYPE MATERIAL: see Remarks.

CURRENT STATUS: valid species (Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 206, Pape et al. 1995: 20, Cerretti 2010: 209; O’Hara et al. 2020: 312).

REMARKS: Rondani’s (1856: 65) key for the genus Chetina Rondani, 1856 lists Chetina setigena as its type species, but he did not provide a detailed description, type locality, number or sex of the specimens. He later (Rondani 1861f: 372) supplied a detailed description of both sexes without specifying the exact number of the specimens, claiming to have lost the type series but to have found other specimens of both sexes upon which to redescribe the species. Rondani (1861f: 372) moved this nominal species to the genus Chetilya Rondani, 1861. Under the name Chetilya setigena Rondani there are three males and five females in the MZUF (Box E) and two females in the MSNC (all are non-types). Under the name Chetina setigena Rondani there are one specimen and two females in the OUMNH (all are non-types).