Platycheirus parmatus Rondani, 1857

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1857: 119 (key), 121 (description).

TYPE LOCALITY: “ in alpibus pedemontanis [Piedmont (Italy) Alps]”.

TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♂, holotype (MZUF: Box 4): Platycheirus S.F. Serv. / parmatus Rnd., Apen. [= Apennines] / 186 / Platycheirus parmatus Rnd. b. sp.!, det. M. Daccordi, 1985.

CURRENT STATUS: valid species (Vockeroth 1992: 302, Belcari et al. 1995a: 9).

REMARKS: Rondani (1857: 121) described Platycheirus parmatus from a single male: “ Marem unicum speciei … olim a Genèo accepi [a single male of the species … I received from Genè]”.