This README file refers to the data reported in manuscript 628755 published in Frontiers in Microbiology, section Microbial Symbioses. Authors: Heidi Kaech, Christoph Vorburger Title: Horizontal transmission of the heritable protective endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa depends on titre and haplotype The study design is explained in the publication. For queries please contact EXPLANATION OF VARIABLE NAMES FOR FILE Pinprick_data.txt running_id Unique identifier (numeric) comments Notes treatment Experimental treatment (Donor>Recipient-Batch) haplotype Haplotype of the H. defensa isolate (haplotype 1=Hap1, haplotype 2=Hap2, haplotype 3=Hap3) donor Aphid subline that acted as hemolymph donor (407H9, 407H15, 407H28, 407H30, 407H76, 407H85, 407H101, 407H323, 407H343, 407H402, 407HAF6, or 407H0 (control without H. defensa )) donor_real Aphid subline that acted as hemolymph donor, taking in consideration the contamination (407H0cont) recipient Recipient genotype (A06-37, A06-405, A06-407) recipient_coev Has H. defensa had the opportunity to co-evolve with/ the recipient? (yes=coev, no=not_coev) batch Experimental batch id_leafdisc ID of leaf disc that stung aphid were pooled on id_stung_adult ID of the stung adult of which three or four offspring were tested for presence of H. defensa VA_origin Plant that sentinel aphids were raised on n_surv_of_stung Number out of the ten recipient nymphs that survived the six days after being stung with a hemolymph-contaminated needle n_surv_VA Number out of the two sentinel aphids (placed on the leaf disc to test for horizontal transmission through the leaf) that survived the six days after transfection VA_n_offspring_t1 Number of offspring produced by the pool of sentinel aphids up to timepoint 1 VA_n_offspring_t2 Number of offspring produced by the pool of sentinel aphids between timepoint 1 and 2 n_VA_harvested Number of sentinel aphids harvested at the end of the experiment VA_harvest_t2_status Indicator of whether sentinel aphids were alive when harvested (alive, both_dead, one_dead, not_sampled (aphids died during the six days after transfection)) n_nymphs_t1 Number of offspring produced by a stung aphid up to timepoint 1 t1_adult_status Indicator of whether stung aphid was alive at timepoint 1 (alive, dead_t1 (died before timepoint 1), killed_t1 (was accidentially killed before timepoint 1), not established (not enough aphids survived the transfection to establish this replicate)) n_nymphs_t2 Number of offspring produced by a stung aphid between timepoint 1 and 2 t2_adult_status Indicator of whether stung aphid was alive at timepoint 2 (alive, alive_no_t2_count (aphid was alive but offspring was not counted at timepoint t2), dead_t1 (died before timepoint 1), dead_t2 (died before timepoint 2), found_2_adults (two adults were found), killed_t1 (was accidentially killed before timepoint 1), killed_t2 (was accidentially killed before timepoint 2), not established (not enough aphids survived the transfection to establish this replicate)) Bu_status Extraction control: PCR for aphid gene (Extraction control positive = ok, extraction control negative = failed, no offspring available to test for presence of H. defensa = NA) Ha_status Test for H. defensa infection: PCR for H. defensa gene(PCR positive = pos, PCR negative = neg, no offspring available to test for presence of H. defensa = NA) n_nymphs_sampled Number of nymphs sampled for DNA extraction comments_to_nymphs Notes EXPLANATION OF VARIABLE NAMES FOR FILE Pinprick_qPCR_results.txt strain Aphid subline (407H9, 407H15, 407H28, 407H30, 407H76, 407H85, 407H101, 407H323, 407H343, 407H402, 407HAF6) batch Experimental batch ratio.cp Ratio of H. defensa�s dnaK and the aphid�s EF1a gene (CP [crossing point]; if NA: sample was removed, see Methods) ratio.conc Ratio of H. defensa�s dnaK and the aphid�s EF1a gene (gene copy number) AFA_name ID of well in which qPCR targeted the aphid�s EF1a gene (Plate number - Well position - H. defensa isolate - Batch) AFA_cp Cycle in which fluorescence reaches crossing point for the aphid�s EF1a gene AFA_conc Gene copy number of the aphid�s EF1a gene as determined by the standard curve HDEF_name ID of well in which qPCR targeted H. defensa�s dnaK gene(Plate number - Well position - H. defensa isolate - Batch) HDEF_cp Cycle in which fluorescence reaches crossing point for H. defensa�s dnaK gene HDEF_conc Gene copy number of H. defensa�s dnaK gene as determined by the standard curve