This README file refers to the data reported in manuscript 628755 published in Frontiers in Microbiology, section Microbial Symbioses.

Authors: Heidi Kaech, Christoph Vorburger

Title: Horizontal transmission of the heritable protective endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa depends on titre and haplotype

The study design is explained in the publication. For queries please contact


running_id	Unique identifier (numeric)
comments	Notes 
treatment	Experimental treatment (Donor>Recipient-Batch)
haplotype	Haplotype of the H. defensa isolate (haplotype 1=Hap1, haplotype 2=Hap2, haplotype 3=Hap3)
donor	Aphid subline that acted as hemolymph donor (407H9, 407H15, 407H28, 407H30, 407H76, 407H85, 407H101, 407H323, 407H343, 407H402, 407HAF6, or 407H0 (control without H. defensa ))
donor_real	Aphid subline that acted as hemolymph donor, taking in consideration the contamination (407H0cont)
recipient	Recipient genotype (A06-37, A06-405, A06-407)
recipient_coev	Has H. defensa had the opportunity to co-evolve with/ the recipient? (yes=coev, no=not_coev)
batch	Experimental batch
id_leafdisc	ID of leaf disc that stung aphid were pooled on
id_stung_adult	ID of the stung adult of which three or four offspring were tested for presence of H. defensa
VA_origin	Plant that sentinel aphids were raised on
n_surv_of_stung	Number out of the ten recipient nymphs that survived the six days after being stung with a hemolymph-contaminated needle 
n_surv_VA	Number out of the two sentinel aphids (placed on the leaf disc to test for horizontal transmission through the leaf) that survived the six days after transfection
VA_n_offspring_t1	Number of offspring produced by the pool of sentinel aphids up to timepoint 1
VA_n_offspring_t2	Number of offspring produced by the pool of sentinel aphids between timepoint 1 and 2 
n_VA_harvested	Number of sentinel aphids harvested at the end of the experiment
VA_harvest_t2_status	Indicator of whether sentinel aphids were alive when harvested (alive, both_dead, one_dead, not_sampled (aphids died during the six days after transfection))
n_nymphs_t1	Number of offspring produced by a stung aphid up to timepoint 1
t1_adult_status	Indicator of whether stung aphid was alive at timepoint 1 (alive, dead_t1 (died before timepoint 1), killed_t1 (was accidentially killed before timepoint 1), not established (not enough aphids survived the transfection to establish this replicate))
n_nymphs_t2	Number of offspring produced by a stung aphid between timepoint 1 and 2 
t2_adult_status	Indicator of whether stung aphid was alive at timepoint 2 (alive, alive_no_t2_count (aphid was alive but offspring was not counted at timepoint t2), dead_t1 (died before timepoint 1), dead_t2 (died before timepoint 2), found_2_adults (two adults were found), killed_t1 (was accidentially killed before timepoint 1), killed_t2 (was accidentially killed before timepoint 2), not established (not enough aphids survived the transfection to establish this replicate))
Bu_status	Extraction control: PCR for aphid gene (Extraction control positive = ok, extraction control negative = failed, no offspring available to test for presence of H. defensa = NA)
Ha_status	Test for H. defensa infection: PCR for H. defensa gene(PCR positive = pos, PCR negative = neg, no offspring available to test for presence of H. defensa = NA)
n_nymphs_sampled	Number of nymphs sampled for DNA extraction 	
comments_to_nymphs	Notes 


strain	Aphid subline (407H9, 407H15, 407H28, 407H30, 407H76, 407H85, 407H101, 407H323, 407H343, 407H402, 407HAF6)
batch	Experimental batch
ratio.cp	Ratio of H. defensa�s dnaK and the aphid�s EF1a gene (CP [crossing point]; if NA: sample was removed, see Methods)	
ratio.conc	Ratio of H. defensa�s dnaK and the aphid�s EF1a gene (gene copy number)
AFA_name	ID of well in which qPCR targeted the aphid�s EF1a gene (Plate number - Well position - H. defensa isolate - Batch)	
AFA_cp	Cycle in which fluorescence reaches crossing point for the aphid�s EF1a gene
AFA_conc	Gene copy number of the aphid�s EF1a gene as determined by the standard curve
HDEF_name	ID of well in which qPCR targeted H. defensa�s dnaK gene(Plate number - Well position - H. defensa isolate - Batch)	
HDEF_cp	Cycle in which fluorescence reaches crossing point for H. defensa�s dnaK gene 	
HDEF_conc	Gene copy number of H. defensa�s dnaK gene as determined by the standard curve