The following are explanations for data and column headings found in the Zanne et al. 2015. A deteriorating state of affairs: How endogenous and exogenous factors determine plant decay rates. Journal of Ecology. The four letter code for the species used in this study: Species Genus species ACRU Acer rubrum AEGL Aesculus glabra AMAR Amelanchier arborea ASTR Asimina triloba CATO Carya tomentosa CEOC Celtis occidentalis COFL Cornus florida DIVI Diospyros virginiana FRAM Fraxinus americana GLTR Gleditsia triacanthos JUNI Juglans nigra JUVI Juniperus virginiana LOMA Lonicera maackii PIEC Pinus echinata PIST Pinus strobus PLOC Platanus occidentalis PRSE Prunus serotina QUAL Quercus alba QUVE Quercus velutina ULRU Ulmus rubra VIVU Vitis vulpina Column heading explanations for the file ZanneTyson1YearMassLoss.csv Species Species Watershed Watershed (1-4 at Tyson) TopographicPosition Ridge or Valley MLwood Mass loss (g/g) for stems MLfinebranch Mass loss (g/g) for fine branches MLleaf Mass loss (g/g) for leaves Column heading explanations for the file ZanneTysonPlantTraits.csv Species Species ConduitD Conduit diameter (um), note values for conifers (JUVI, PIEC, PIST) from A) Lewis, F.T. (1935) The Shape of the Tracheids in the Pine. American Journal of Botany, 22, 741Ð762. B) Maherali, H., Moura, C.E., Caldeira, M.C., Willson, C.J. & Jackson, R.B. (2006) Functional coordination between leaf gas exchange and vulnerability to xylem cavitation in temperate forest trees. Plant, Cell & Environment, 29, 571Ð583. ConduitL Conduit length (m) BranchDensity Branch density (g/cm3) LfSz Leaf size (cm2) SLA Specific leaf area (cm2/g) LASA Leaf area:sapwood area (cm2/cm2) WCProtPerDM Wood crude protein (% dry matter) WADFPerDM Wood acid detergen fiber (% dry matter) WNDFPerDM Wood neutral detergent fiber (% dry matter) WLigPerDM Wood lignin (% dry matter) WCaPerDM Wood calcium (% dry matter) WPPerDM Wood phosphorus (% dry matter) WMnPPM Wood manganese (parts per million) LCProtPerDM Leaf crude protein (% dry matter) LADFPerDM Leaf acid detergen fiber (% dry matter) LNDFPerDM Leaf neutral detergent fiber (% dry matter) LLigPerDM Leaf lignin (% dry matter) LCaPerDM Leaf calcium (% dry matter) LPPerDM Leaf phosphorus (% dry matter) LMnPPM Leaf manganese (parts per million)