Study title: Implementation of an automated early warning scoring system in a surgical ward: practical use and effects on patient outcomes. Authors: Eveline Mestrom, Ashley De Bie, Melissa van de Steeg, Merel Driessen, Louis Atallah, Rick Bezemer, R. Arthur Bouwman, Erik Korsten Date: 2019 Columns: A: ID = study identification number B: datetime_measurement = the date and time stamp of a measurement C: MEWS = Modified Early Warning Score: a score to assess patient deterioration which consists of assigning points/weight to certain values of vital signs D: hr = heartrate in beats per minute E: spo2= oxygen saturation F: rr = respiratory rate in number of breaths per minute G: bp_s = systolic blood pressure in mmHG H: bp_d = diastolic blood pressure in mmHG I: temp = temperature in degrees Celsius J: avpu = Alert Verbal Pain Unresponsive: score to assess level of consciousness K: uop = urinary output in ml per 24 hours