Data and results for the paper: "Extensive gene tree discordance and hemiplasy shaped the genomes of North American Columnar cacti" by Dario Copetti, Alberto Búrquez, Enriquena Bustamante, Joseph Charboneau, Kevin L. Childs, Luis E. Eguiarte, Seunghee Lee, Tiffany L. Liu, Michelle M. McMahon, Noah K. Whiteman, Rod Wing, Martin F. Wojciechowski, Michael J. Sanderson ...................................... Each of the following are subdirectories AlignmentReport Directory contains an Excel spreadsheet reporting CDS regions and introns kept for each gene during data set construction, together with summary statistics. Columns: Gene name saguaro gene name ML mean mean of ML bootstrap support for two clades on gene tree ML min minimum MP mean mean of MP bootstrap support for two clade on gene tree MP max minimum Ncds number of cds regions kept Nintrons number of introns kept Lcds total length of cds regions kept Lintron total length of introns kept Ltot total length of cds nucs and intron nucs CDSs IDs of the CDS regions kept (in row order from the annotation file) Introns IDS of the introns kept (using IDs of the flanking CDS regions) AlignmentsByGene Contains a subdirectory for each saguaro gene ultimately used in alignments. There are found nucleotide and amino acid alignments for each CDS region kept; nucleotide alignments for each intron kept. Within each subdirectory is a 'concat' subdirectory, which has the following, for example Cgig1_00352.5prime.nex ... Ignore Cgig1_00352.aas.nex ... Amino acid alignment concatenated across CDSs Cgig1_00352.allnucs.nex ... Nucl alignment concatenated across all introns and CDSs Cgig1_00352.exons.nex ... Nucl alignment concatenated across all CDSs Cgig1_00352.neutral.nex ... Nucl alignment concatenated across all introns and 3rd positions in codons [Note there are equivalent files with other suffixes in phylip and fasta format] Assemblies These are the raw assembly fasta files for the five cacti (v.1.2) ConcordantDiscordantTrees For the two gene confidence sets, this has lists of genes that agree or disagree with the species tree GeneConfidenceSets Lists of genes in the 50-90% gene confidence sets, together with tree files assembled from the ML bootstrap trees found in directory 'GeneTreesPaupBootML' GeneLists Lists of all saguaro gene names, and just the genes that were successfully placed into alignments with all 5 cacti. GeneTreesPaupBootML A subdirectory points to each saguaro gene used, within which is the bootstrap ML majority rule tree and a paup log file. NetworksPhyloNet Results from PhyloNet's 'InferNetwork_ML' analyses. There are subdirectories for several different gene confidence sets and partitions of the alignments. SaguaroAnnotation GFF files containing the final (v.1.3) annotations of the saguaro SGP5 genome assembly. Also contains the v.1.3 assembly. Scripts All PERL scripts used to undertake analyses for this paper. SpeciesTreesBPP Contains results of BPP analyses of several gene confidence sets and subalignments. Each directory contains the relevant input and output files. MP-EST Contains results of the MP-EST analyses of the gene confidence sets of gene trees