This dryad deposition accompanies:

Couzens, A.M.C.,A.R.Evans, M.M.Skinner,and G.J.Prideaux.2016. The role of inhibitory dynamics in the loss and reemergence of macropodoid tooth traits. Evolution.doi:10.1111/evo.12866

The contained data and R script files will reproduce analysis reported in the above paper. All analyses were performed on Rx64 3.1.1. Importing and exporting data based on the R-analysis will require the user to insert a new file path corresponding to the directory where data is stored/output in place of the "Path" label included in each script file. Specific information on abbreviations used within respective data files is provided in the dryad description for each file.  

Please direct questions/problems regarding these data and analyis to:

Aidan Couzens
PhD candidate
School of Biological Sciences
Flinders University
Sturt Road, Bedford Park
Adelaide, South Australia 5042
T: +61 8 8201 13498

Included files and relationship to analyses

Ancestral state reconstruction

#Date files:

mpts.tre: Input tree derived from Prideaux and Warburton (2010) and modified before analysis as described in the paper.

mpts_Tscale.tre: Output timescaled tree produced by the R script file "Morp_Tree_Timescale.r". Divergence ages for key clades captured in Table S3 are derived from this tree.

FAD_dates.txt: First appearance datum (FAD) matrix of fossil and modern macropodoids. Corresponds to data in Table S1.

Molecular_tree_states.txt: Morphological tree states matching tips on the pruned molecular phylogeny of Mitchell et al. (2014).

Morphological_tree_states.txt: Morphological tree states matching tips on the morphological input phylogeny (mpts.tre).


The tree file "MBE_MCMC_VII_tree.tre" is not included with this data package but is required to perform the ancestral state reconstruction on the molecular phylogeny. This tree file is accesible from supplementary data associated with Mitchell et al. (2014).

#R Script files:

Morph_Tree_Timescale.r: Imports tree and FAD matrix and exports the time scaled output tree (mpts_Tscale.tre). Includes "node.mins" arguments corresponding to Table S2. Associated tables and figure: Table S2; Figure S1.

Ancestral_State_Reconstruction.r: Imports the time-scaled phylogeny (mpts_Tscale.tre) and performs ancestral state reconstruction using maximum likelihood and parsimony. Associated tables and figure: Figure 6.

Test of the inhibitory cascade (IC) model

#Date files:

Tooth_dimensions.xlsx: Contains morphometric data for fossil and modern macropodoids. 

CrownH_data.txt: Third lower molar crown height data for modern macropodoids. 
#R Script files:

Anterior_Molar_Ratios.r: Computes summary statistics at species level based on molar ratios (m2/m1, m3/m1) for the anterior triplet used to construct the developmental morphospace of Kavanagh et al. (2007). Associated tables and figure: Table S7.

Posterior_Molar_Ratios.r: Computes summary statistics at species level based on molar ratios (m3/m2, m4/m2) for the posterior triplet used to construct the developmental morphospace of Kavanagh et al. (2007). Associated tables and figure: Table S8.

CrownHeight_Summary.r: Computes summary statistics based on input crown height data. Associated tables and figure: Table S13.

Fig8A_plot.r: Reproduces analysis and construction of Figure 8A. Associated tables and figure: Table 8A.

Fig8B_plot.r: Reproduces analysis and construction of Figure 8B. Associated tables and figure: Table 8B, S4.

Test_Anterior_cascade.r: Major axis (MA) and standard major axis (SMA) regression test of the inhibitory cascde model for the anterior molar triple (m1-3). Associated tables and figure: Table 3, S5, S11; Figure S4A.

Test_Posterior_cascade.r: Major axis (MA) and standard major axis (SMA) regression test of the inhibitory cascde model for the posterior molar triple (m2-4).Associated tables and figure: Table 3, S6, S11; Figure S4B.

Log_Test_Anterior_cascade.r: Natural log transformed Major axis (MA) and standard major axis (SMA) regression test of the inhibitory cascde model for the anterior molar triple (m1-3). Associated tables and figure: Table S12; Figure S5A.

Log_Test_Posterior_cascade.r: Natural log transformed Major axis (MA) and standard major axis (SMA) regression test of the inhibitory cascde model for the anterior molar triple (m2-4). Associated tables and figure: Table S12; Figure S5B. 

Morphometric analysis

#Date files:

CrownH_data.txt: Third lower molar crown height data needed to perform the correlation between PC1 of the IC and hypsodonty.

PHC_relief_data.txt: Posthypocrsitid relief data for various macropodoid taxa. Associated tables and figures: Table 2; Figure S3. Surface files (PLY format) of the Outer enamel surface and enamel-dentine Junction for lower molars from fossil and living macropodoid species. Associated tables and figures: Table 1; Figure 1, 2, 4, 5.     

#R Script files:

PHC_relief.r: Imports posthypocrsitid relief data and exports summary statistics at species level. Associated tables and figures: Table 2.   

Fig8B_plot.r: Performs principle component analysis of posterior molar proportion data and correlation of the resulting PC1 with hypsodonty values for various macropodoid species. Associated tables and figure: Table S13; Figure S2.

TRG_TAL_ratio.r: Computes summary statistics of trigonid/talonid ratios for various species of living and fossil macropodoid. Associated tables and figures: Table S9.   


Mitchell, K. J., R. C. Pratt, L. N. Watson, G. C. Gibb, B. Llamas, M. Kasper, J. Edson, B. Hopwood, D. Male, K. Armstrong, M. Meyer, M. Hofreiter, J. Austin, S. C. Donnellan, M. S. Y. Lee, M. J. Phillips, A. Cooper. 2014. Molecular phylogeny, biogeography, and habitat preference evolution of marsupials. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.31: 2322�2330.

Prideaux, G. J. and Warburton, N. M. 2010. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 159: 954�987

Kavanagh, K. D., A. R. Evans, and J. Jernvall. 2007. Predicting evolutionary patterns of mammalian teeth from development. Nature 449: 427�433.