This dataset contains data from: Arbuthnott, D. and Rundle, H. D. 2012. Sexual selection is ineffectual or inhibits the purging of deleterious mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. The data were collected by: Devin Arbuthnott, e-mail: Howard Rundle, e-mail: The following data files are included: Brown: data on the mutation brown. Sepia: data on the mutation sepia. Plexus: data on the mutation plexus. Yellow: data on the mutation yellow. White: data on the mutation white. Forked: data on the mutation forked. Each dataset is saved as a CSV file. Missing values are denoted with ÒNAÓ. The datasets for the three autosomal mutations (brown, sepia, plexus) have the following columns: 1) Population This denotes the arbitrary number assigned to each replicate experimental population. 2) Treatment The sexual selection treatment assigned to the experimental populations. Ò1Ó denotes the +S treatment, where sexual selection was not controlled, and Ò2Ó denotes the ÐS treatment, where monogamy was enforced and sexual selection experimentally weakened. 3) Generation The generation of experimental evolution for which the frequency data was measured. Generation 0 represents the set up of experimental populations. 4) Mutant phenotypic frequency The frequency of visible mutants (homozygous recessive individuals) in the experimental populations. 5) Mutant allelic frequency The true allelic frequency of the mutant allele in the experimental populations. The datasets for the three X-linked mutations (yellow, white, forked) have the same columns, except that column 4) Mutant phenotypic frequency is replaced with 4) Female mutant phenotypic frequency The frequency of visible mutant (homozygous recessive) females in the experimental population (using the number of phenotyped females as the denominator). 5) Male mutant phenotypic frequency The frequency of visible mutant males in the experimental population (using the number of phenotyped males as the denominator). Because these mutations are X-linked, the male mutant phenotypic frequency is equal to the male mutant allele frequency.