================================== Explanations to the file "cod.csv" ================================== cod.csv is a semicolon-delimited table consisting of 32 columns and 29684 rows (excluding a row with column names). Each row corresponds to one grid cell. The columns contain the following data, lat: northern latitude of the centre of the grid cell [degrees] lon: eastern longitude of the centre of the grid cell [degrees] x1982 ... x2011: number of cod eggs and larvae according to the cod larval drift model for the 30 years between 1982 and 2011 [count] The grid has a latitudinal resolution of 0.075 degrees and a longitudinal resolution of 0.15 degrees. (This means, e.g., that the southwestern ["lower left"] corner of a grid cell is 0.075 degrees to the west and 0.0375 degrees to the south of its centre, which is provided in this file.) Inclusion criteria for grid cells are (a) latitude between 60 and 80 degrees north, AND (b) longitude between 1 and 40 degrees east, AND (c) particle count > 0 in at least one year. For questions, please contact Hanno Sandvik (hanno@evol.no).