Data File Name: BTO-Blue-Tits-Great-Tits-Coal-Tits-Records.xlsx Original Article: Long-term declines in winter body mass of tits throughout Britain and Ireland correlate with climate change, Furness, Euan, Robinson, Rob Data location in Dryad: doi:10.5061/dryad.1d21m78 Contact: Euan Furness, File type: xlsx Excel File Analysis in R 3.5.1: Ring Number: Number, unique to each individual in the analysis, here anonymised to protect individual ringers. Species: British name for the individual's species. BTO Age Code: British Trust for Ornithology code for the age of the bird at capture. See: Sex: Sex of bird. U = unsexed, M = male, F = female Month: Month of capture. 1 = January Year: Year of capture. Time: Decimal time of capture (i.e. faction of the day that has passed at time of capture. e.g. 0.5 = noon). Wing Length: Wing length of the bird at capture. (mm) Weight: Body mass of the bird at capture. (g)