***Long, S. Short-term impacts and value of a periodic No Take Zone (NTZ) in a community-managed small-scale lobster fishery, Madagascar*** ***Contents*** 1) Readme.txt - description of data files 2) Data - six csv files containing all data used in the paper and supporting information For each data file (csv); the purpose/content is brifely described, variables are listed and described; sources of third party data are detailed. ***Data*** > Catch time series.csv Annual catch time series at three spatial scales. year - year for which annual catch is reported fao - Madagascar's annual catch (tonnes) of lobster, FAO data set regional - Annual catch (tonnes) for the Fort Dauphin regional lobster fishery (defined in text of paper), DRRHP/URL dataset sainte_luce - Annual catch (tonnes) for the Sainte Luce lobster fishery, DRRHP/URL dataset Data sources: fao - FIGIS (Fisheries Global Information System) (2015b) Global capture production 1950-2013. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome. Available: http://www.fao.org/fishery/statistics/global-capture-production/query/en [Accessed: 05/03/16] regional - Les Directions Régionales des Ressources Halieutiques et de la Pêche (DRRHP), Fort Dauphin/Unité de Recherche Langoustière, Fort Dauphin. > Numbers of boats data.csv For all survey days when acitve and inactive boats were counted at both landing sites (Main and Lodge) in Sainte Luce. date - date in format dayXX/monthXX/yearXXXX main_inactive - number of inactive boats at the main landing site main_active - number of active (any activity) boats at the main landing site lodge_inactive - number of inactive boats at the lodge landing site lodge_active - number of active boats at the lodge landing site > Data for effort means_fishers and pots.csv Used for reporting means and used as part of the calculation of the 2015 catch in Sainte Luce. date - date in format dayXX/monthXX/yearXXXX no_of_pots_checked - total number of pots checked by fishermen in that boats on that trip no_of_fishers - number of fishers in the boats being queried > CPUE model dataset_final.csv Used to produce Zero Altered Negative Binomial Model (ZANB) and figure 3. Note all records are form the Main landing site. month - full name of the month year - year XXXX mon_yr - month (first thre letters) and year (last two digits) combined in the format XXX_'XX NTZ status - idicates whether the No Take Zone (NTZ) was 'Open' or 'Closed' pots - total number of pots checked by fishermen in that boats on that trip fishers - number of fishers in the boats being queried lobsters - the total number of lobsters caught by the boat being queried on that trip kg - the total weight of lobsters coaught by the boat queried on that trip CPUE_num - The standardised Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) in lobsters/boatday. CPUE was standardised to the mean number of pots used per boat for the entire survey period, 19.6 pots (sd = 11.4, n = 3103). > Data for BAC calculation For the purpose of estimating lobster catch in Sainte Luce in 2015 the Boat Activity Coefficient (BAC) was calculated as described in the paper and supporting information. BAC calculated for each day with the mean for the month used in the catch estimation. date - date in format dayXX/monthXX/yearXXXX inactive_pirogues - the total estimated number of boats based at the main landing site not engaged in lobster fishing on that date active pirogues - the total estimated number of boats based at the main landing site engaged in lobster fishing on that date BAC - Boat Activity Coefficient = active pirogues/(active pirogues+inactive_pirogues) > Catch composition data Data used for catch composition analyses. date - date in format dayXX/monthXX/yearXXXX species - species* total_length - The TL was measured (± 0.5 mm) from the rostrum to the posterior edge of the telson carapace_lenght - The CL was measured (± 0.5 mm) from the base of the frontal horns to the posterior edge of the carapace. weight - wet weight in kg sex - sex berried - visible presnece of egg mass (yes/no) *(longipes = Panulirus longipes; homarus = Panulirus homarus; penicillatus = Panulirus penicillatus; ornatus = Panulirus ornatus; squammosus = Scyllarides squammosus; antarticus = Parribus antarticus; regalis = Arctides regalis)