These are the data used in "Worldwide Patterns of Ancestry, Divergence, 
and Admixture in Domesticated Cattle" by Decker et al., arXiv:1309.5118

contains the genotype data in PLINK PED format. 
Illumina A alleles are coded as 1, and Illumina B alleles are
coded as 2. SNPs were filtered based on a call rate of 0.9 (--geno 0.1 
command in PLINK) and a MAF of 0.0005 to remove monomorphic SNPs 
(--maf 0.0005). SNPs on unassigned contigs and chromosome X were removed,
except for one pseudoautosomal SNP.	
contains SNP information in PLINK PED format.
Chromosome coordinates are according UMD3.1 assembly.

contains population information for 1,543 animals. Breed code descriptions
can be found in Table S1 of the manuscript.

Please contact Jared Decker if you have questions.