******************************************************************* * Stata "do-file" file with labels and missing data specifications * Created by ddltox on Mar 28, 2002 (Thu 03:30 PM PST) * DDL source file: "/u/d7/big/sda_1.2a/tmpdir/AAG0aOgs.txt". * * Note that the data dictionary is given at the end of this file. * Put the dictionary into a separate file (by editing this file). * Then specify below the name of the dictionary file. * * DDL file gives the following dataset description: * Records per case: 1 * Record length: 82 * Number of cases: 0 ******************************************************************* label data "ORANGE COUNTY ANNUAL SURVEY" #delimit ; label define Q1 1 "SINGLE FAMILY" 2 "TOWNHOUSE" 3 "APARTMENT" 4 "MOBILE" 5 "OTHER" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q2 1 "0-2 YRS" 2 "3-5 YRS" 3 "6-10 YRS" 4 "11-20 YRS" 5 "21+ YRS" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q3 1 "0-2 YRS" 2 "3-5 YRS" 3 "6-10 YRS" 4 "11-20 YRS" 5 "21+ YRS" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q4 1 "OWN" 2 "RENT" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q5 1 "UNDER $500" 2 "$501-$750" 3 "$751-$1,000" 4 "$1,001-$1,500" 5 "$1,501+" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q6 1 "NOTHING" 2 "$1-$500" 3 "$501-$750" 4 "$751-$1,000" 5 "$1,001-$1,500" 6 "$1,501-$2,000" 7 "$2,001+" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q7 1 "BETTER OFF" 2 "WORSE OFF" 3 "SAME" 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q8 1 "BETTER OFF" 2 "WORSE OFF" 3 "SAME" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q9 1 "GOOD TIMES" 2 "BAD TIMES" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q10 1 "GOOD TIMES" 2 "DEPRESSION" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q11 1 "GOOD TIME" 2 "BAD TIME" 8 "NEITHER, DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q12 1 "VERY WELL" 2 "SOMEWHAT WELL" 3 "SOMEWHAT BADLY" 4 "VERY BADLY" 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q13 1 "POP. GROWTH" 2 "TRAFFIC" 3 "HOUSING" 4 "CRIME" 5 "QUAL. OF SCHOOLS" 6 "IMMIGRATION" 7 "OTHER" 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q14 1 "HEALTH CARE" 2 "CHILD CARE" 3 "RACE RELATIONS" 4 "HOMELESS" 5 "DRUG ABUSE" 6 "AIDS" 7 "OTHER" 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q15 1 "BETTER PLACE" 2 "WORSE PLACE" 3 "NO CHANGE" 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q17 1 "RAPID" 2 "SLOW" 3 "ABOUT THE SAME" 4 "LOSING POP." 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q18 1 "RAPID" 2 "SLOW" 3 "ABOUT THE SAME" 4 "LOSING POP." 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q19 1 "TOO STRICT" 2 "ABOUT RIGHT" 3 "NOT STRICT ENOUGH" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q20 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q21 1 "RAPID" 2 "SLOW" 3 "ABOUT THE SAME" 4 "LOSING POP." 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q22 1 "RAPID" 2 "SLOW" 3 "ABOUT THE SAME" 4 "LOSING POP." 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q23 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q24 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q25 1 "FREEWAYS" 2 "THOROUGHFARES" 3 "LOCAL STREETS" 4 "MORE THAN ONE" 5 "NONE" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q26 1 "HIGHER HOUSE PRICES" 2 "LOSS OF JOBS" 3 "WORSE TRAFFIC" 4 "HIGHER GOVT COSTS" 5 "OTHER" 6 "NONE" 7 "MORE THAN ONE" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q27 1 "CITY GOVT" 2 "COUNTY GOVT" 3 "STATE GOVT" 4 "REGIONAL AUTHORITY" 5 "OTHER" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q28 1 "SATISFACTORY" 2 "MORE LANES ONLY" 3 "NEW FREEWAYS" 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q56 1 "FOR INCREASE" 2 "AGAINST INCREASE" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q57 1 "EXCELLENT" 2 "GOOD" 3 "FAIR" 4 "POOR" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q64 1 "NOTHING" 2 "$1-$100" 3 "$101-$250" 4 "$251-$500" 5 "$501-$999" 6 "$1,000+" 8 "D" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q65 1 "FULL-TIME" 2 "PART-TIME" 3 "NOT EMPLOYED" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q66 -9 "NA" 1 "NORTH" 2 "WEST" 3 "CENTRAL" 4 "SOUTH" 5 "OUTSIDE OC" ; label define Q67 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q68 1 "18-24" 2 "25-34" 3 "35-44" 4 "45-54" 5 "55-64" 6 "65+" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q69 1 "LESS THAN H.S." 2 "H.S. GRADUATE" 3 "SOME COLLEGE" 4 "COLLEGE GRAD" 5 "POST GRADUATE" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q70 8 "8+" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q71 9 "NONE, REFUSE" ; label define Q72 1 "NORTH" 2 "WEST" 3 "CENTRAL" 4 "SOUTH" 9 "NA" ; label define Q73 1 "MARRIED" 2 "DIVORCED" 3 "WIDOWED" 4 "SINGLE" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q74 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q75 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q76 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q77 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q78 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q79 1 "AT HOME, PAID" 2 "OUTSIDE, PAID" 3 "AT HOME, UNPAID" 4 "OUTSIDE, UNPAID" 5 "NOT USING" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q80 1 "VERY SATISFIED" 2 "SOMEWHAT SATISFIED" 3 "SOMEWHAT DISSAT." 4 "VERY DISSAT." 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q81 1 "VERY SATISFIED" 2 "SOMEWHAT SATISFIED" 3 "SOMEWHAT DISSAT." 4 "VERY DISSAT." 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q82 1 "A LOT" 2 "SOME" 3 "A LITTLE" 4 "NONE" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q83 1 "UNDER $25K" 2 "$25,000-$35,999" 3 "$36,000-$50,000" 4 "$50,001-$65,999" 5 "$66,000-$80,000" 6 "$80,000+" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q84 1 "DEMOCRAT" 2 "REPUBLICAN" 3 "OTHER" 4 "NOT REGISTERED" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q85 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q86 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q87 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 8 "DK" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q88 1 "LIBERAL" 2 "MODERATE" 3 "CONSERVATIVE" 9 "DK, REFUSE" ; label define Q89 1 "YES" 2 "NO" 9 "REFUSE" ; label define Q90 1 "MALE" 2 "FEMALE" ; label define YEAR 1988 "YEAR OF SURVEY" ; #delimit cr ******************************************************************* infile using X * Replace 'X' with the name of the dictionary file. * * The contents of the dictionary are given at the end of this file. * Put the dictionary into a separate file (by editing this file). * Then specify here the name of the dictionary file. ******************************************************************* * The md, min and max specifications were translated * into the following "REPLACE...IF" statements: replace Q1 = . if (Q1 == 9) replace Q2 = . if (Q2 == 9) replace Q3 = . if (Q3 == 9) replace Q4 = . if (Q4 == 9) replace Q5 = . if (Q5 == 9) replace Q6 = . if (Q6 == 9) replace Q7 = . if (Q7 == 9) replace Q8 = . if (Q8 == 9) replace Q9 = . if (Q9 == 9) replace Q10 = . if (Q10 == 9) replace Q11 = . if (Q11 == 9) replace Q12 = . if (Q12 == 9) replace Q13 = . if (Q13 == 9) replace Q14 = . if (Q14 == 9) replace Q15 = . if (Q15 == 9) replace Q17 = . if (Q17 == 9) replace Q18 = . if (Q18 == 9) replace Q19 = . if (Q19 == 9) replace Q20 = . if (Q20 == 9) replace Q21 = . if (Q21 == 9) replace Q22 = . if (Q22 == 9) replace Q23 = . if (Q23 == 9) replace Q24 = . if (Q24 == 9) replace Q25 = . if (Q25 == 9) replace Q26 = . if (Q26 == 9) replace Q27 = . if (Q27 == 9) replace Q28 = . if (Q28 == 9) replace Q56 = . if (Q56 == 9) replace Q57 = . if (Q57 == 9) replace Q64 = . if (Q64 == 9) replace Q65 = . if (Q65 == 9) replace Q66 = . if (Q66 == -9) replace Q67 = . if (Q67 == 9) replace Q68 = . if (Q68 == 9) replace Q69 = . if (Q69 == 9) replace Q70 = . if (Q70 == 9) replace Q71 = . if (Q71 == 9) replace Q73 = . if (Q73 == 9) replace Q74 = . if (Q74 == 9) replace Q75 = . if (Q75 == 9) replace Q76 = . if (Q76 == 9) replace Q77 = . if (Q77 == 9) replace Q78 = . if (Q78 == 9) replace Q79 = . if (Q79 == 9) replace Q80 = . if (Q80 == 9) replace Q81 = . if (Q81 == 9) replace Q82 = . if (Q82 == 9) replace Q83 = . if (Q83 == 9) replace Q84 = . if (Q84 == 9) replace Q85 = . if (Q85 == 9) replace Q86 = . if (Q86 == 9) replace Q87 = . if (Q87 == 9) replace Q88 = . if (Q88 == 9) replace Q89 = . if (Q89 == 9) dictionary using Y { ***************************************************************** * Replace 'Y' with the name of the data file. * The default suffix is '.raw'. * * Put this dictionary into a separate file (with the suffix .dct). * (The first line of the dictionary file must contain the * 'dictionary' command.) * * Then edit the name of that dictionary file into the 'do-file' * portion of the STATA definitions. ******************************************************************* _column(1) int CASEID %4f "CASE ID" _column(5) int Q1 :Q1 %1f "TYPE OF CURRENT RESIDENCE" _column(6) int Q2 :Q2 %1f "HOW LONG LIVE IN OC" _column(7) int Q3 :Q3 %1f "HOW LONG LIVE AT CURRENT RESIDENCE" _column(8) int Q4 :Q4 %1f "OWN/RENT PRESENT RESIDENCE" _column(9) int Q5 :Q5 %1f "MONTHLY RENTAL PAYMENT" _column(10) int Q6 :Q6 %1f "MONTHLY MORTGAGE PAYMENT" _column(11) int Q7 :Q7 %1f "BETTER OFF/WORSE OFF/SAME LAST YEAR" _column(12) int Q8 :Q8 %1f "BETTER OFF/WORSE OFF/SAME NEXT YEAR" _column(13) int Q9 :Q9 %1f "GOOD TIMES/BAD TIMES FINANCIALLY" _column(14) int Q10 :Q10 %1f "CONT. GOOD TIMES NEXT 5 YEARS" _column(15) int Q11 :Q11 %1f "GD/BAD TIME TO BUY MAJ. HSEHOLD ITEMS" _column(16) int Q12 :Q12 %1f "QUALITY OF LIFE IN OC" _column(17) int Q13 :Q13 %1f "MOST SERIOUS PUBLIC POLICY PROBLEM" _column(18) int Q14 :Q14 %1f "MOST SERIOUS SOCIAL PROBLEM" _column(19) int Q15 :Q15 %1f "OC IN FUTURE" _column(20) int Q17 :Q17 %1f "RATE OF GROWTH IN CITY" _column(21) int Q18 :Q18 %1f "PREF. FOR GROWTH IN CITY" _column(22) int Q19 :Q19 %1f "CURRENT GROWTH REGS. IN CITY" _column(23) int Q20 :Q20 %1f "VOTE ON SLOW GROWTH IN CITY" _column(24) int Q21 :Q21 %1f "RATE OF GROWTH IN COUNTY" _column(25) int Q22 :Q22 %1f "PREF. FOR GROWTH IN COUNTY" _column(26) int Q23 :Q23 %1f "VOTE ON SLOW GROWTH IN COUNTY" _column(27) int Q24 :Q24 %1f "RD IMPRVMTS SATISFY GROWTH CONCERNS" _column(28) int Q25 :Q25 %1f "MOST NEEDED ROAD IMPRVMTS" _column(29) int Q26 :Q26 %1f "BIGGEST DRAWBACK OF GROWTH CONTROL" _column(30) int Q27 :Q27 %1f "WHO SHD MANAGE GROWTH & TRAFFIC" _column(31) int Q28 :Q28 %1f "FEELING ABOUT FREEWAYS IN OC" _column(32) int Q56 :Q56 %1f "TAX INCREASE FOR SCHOOLS" _column(33) int Q57 :Q57 %1f "QUALITY OF LOCAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS" _column(34) int Q64 :Q64 %1f "$ GAVE TO ALL CHARITIES LAST YR." _column(35) int Q65 :Q65 %1f "WORK STATUS" _column(36) int Q66 :Q66 %2f "WORKPLACE" _column(38) int Q67 :Q67 %1f "TAKE FWY TO WORK" _column(39) int Q68 :Q68 %1f "AGE" _column(40) int Q69 :Q69 %1f "EDUCATION" _column(41) int Q70 :Q70 %1f "NUMBER OF PERSONS IN HOUSEHOLD" _column(42) int Q71 :Q71 %1f "NUMBER OF FULL TIME WORKERS IN HHOLD" _column(43) int Q72 :Q72 %2f "RESIDENCE" _column(45) int Q73 :Q73 %1f "MARITAL STATUS" _column(46) int Q74 :Q74 %1f "CHILDREN UNDER 18 IN HOUSEHOLD" _column(47) int Q75 :Q75 %1f "CHILDREN IN PRE-SCHOOL" _column(48) int Q76 :Q76 %1f "CHILDREN IN K-12 PUBLIC SCHOOL" _column(49) int Q77 :Q77 %1f "CHILDREN IN K-12 PRIVATE SCHOOL" _column(50) int Q78 :Q78 %1f "CHILDREN IN HHOLD WHO NEED DAYCARE" _column(51) int Q79 :Q79 %1f "TYPE OF DAY CARE CURRENTLY USING" _column(52) int Q80 :Q80 %1f "SATIS. W/ CURRENT DAY CARE QUALITY" _column(53) int Q81 :Q81 %1f "SATIS. W/ CURRENT DAY CARE CONVENIENCE" _column(54) int Q82 :Q82 %1f "FINANCIAL BURDEN OF DAY CARE ON HHOLD" _column(55) int Q83 :Q83 %1f "HOUSEHOLD INCOME" _column(56) int Q84 :Q84 %1f "PARTY REGISTRATION" _column(57) int Q85 :Q85 %1f "VOTE ON UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION BOND" _column(58) int Q86 :Q86 %1f "VOTE ON SCHOOL FACILITY BOND" _column(59) int Q87 :Q87 %1f "VOTE ON SCHOOL FUNDING INITIATIVE" _column(60) int Q88 :Q88 %1f "CONSIDER YOURSELF POLITICALLY:" _column(61) int Q89 :Q89 %1f "WILLING TO BE REINTERVIEWED" _column(62) int Q90 :Q90 %1f "SEX" _column(63) float WEIGHT %8.2f "WEIGHT" _column(71) float WT %8.2f "WT" _column(79) int YEAR :YEAR %4f "YEAR OF SURVEY" }