# Files are associated with the following paper published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution: Fieberg, J., Alexander, M., Tse, S,, and K. St. Clair. 2013. Abundance estimation with sightability data: a Bayesian data augmentation approach. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. ************************************************* MODELS for JAGS ************************************************* 1. beta_binom_model.txt = JAGS model for fitting beta binomial model 2. logistic_t_model.txt = JAGS mdoel for fitting logistic-t model NOTES: contact jfieberg@umn.edu for further details or questions regarding the data or programs. Alternatively, contact john.giudice@state.mn.us for information regarding the moose survey. ************************************************* DATA FILES: ************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 1. sight_dat.csv = Sightability survey data: 124 records x = visual obstrcution measurements associated with the test trial data used to develop the sightability model z = detection indicator (1 if the group was observed, 0 otherwise) ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 2. oper_dat.csv: Operational survey data: 4380 records (includes observed and augmented data for the annual surveys in 2006 and 2007 combined). Augmented data records have NA (missing) for x, y, q. x = visual obstruction measurements ym1 = y-1, where y = observed group size h = stratum identifier (1, 2, 3 correspond to low, medium and high density strata) q = indicator variable that represents whether the group belongs to the study population (equal to 1 for all observed groups and NA for all augmented groups). z = detection indicator (equal to 1 if the group was observed during the operational survey and 0 otherwise) subunits = unique plot identifier (for all sampled plots). yr = year of observation (1 = 2006, 2= 2007) ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 3. plot_dat.csv: Plot-level information data: 77 records (one for each of the plots sampled in either 2006 or 2007) h.plots = stratum to which the plot belonged (1, 2, 3 correspond to low, medium and high density strata) yr.plots = year the plot was sampled (1 = 2006, 2= 2007) ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 4. scalar_dat.csv: Scalars: R = number of sightability trials (124) Ngroups = number of observed and augmented groups for the 2006 and 2007 annual operational surveys (4380) Nsubunits.yr = total number of plots sampled in 2006 and 2007 combined = 77 ny1 = number of groups associated with the annual survey in 2006 (year 1) = 2060