Readme.txt file for data package associated with paper on �Integrating passive acoustic and visual data to model spatial patterns of occurrence in coastal dolphins�   

Core data were collected by the University of Aberdeen on a project funded by the UK Department of Energy & Climate Change, Scottish Government, COWRIE, and Oil & Gas UK. Other publically available data were used as outlined in table 1 of paper)

Contact for queries is Paul Thompson,

Data package consists of the following five text files. 

1. Locations of all passive acoustic recorders and the number of years� data available from each site (see Fig 1)
Filename = �PAM locations.txt�
Four columns = site, no_years, Latitude, Longitude

2. Data on the number of days that dolphins were detected and not detected in August, September & October at each PAM site in each year of the study.
Filename = �PAM_Data.txt�
Seven columns = Site, year, days deployed, days dolphin present, days dolphins absent, latitude, longitude.

3. Data used in GEE to model spatial variation in the occurrence of dolphins using PAM sites. 
Filename = �GEE_data.txt�
17 columns = Nstructure (Unique number assigned to each cell for all observations within a day of a given year); SiteID; PodID; Julian day; Hour; Month; Year; Dolpos (Detection (1) and non-detection (0) of dolphin echolocation clicks); Cellname (Unique number given to individual cells); Depth (Depth at the centre of the cell (m)); Coastdist (Distance to coast from the centre of the cell (m)); Sediment; Slope (Slope of the seabed at the centre of the cell); Xmean (Longitude of the centre of the cell (UTM)); Ymean (Latitude of the centre of the cell (UTM));Date (day/month/year); Sediment (Proportion of seabed within the cell that is made up of sand and gravelly sand); Catslope (Slope of the seabed at the centre of the cell divided into categories - see text)
4. Data used in the classification tree to model spatial variation in the species identify of dolphins (see Fig. 3). Each row is a record of a sighting of a group of dolphins, with information on characteristics of the grid cell that the sighting was made in. 
Filename = �Tree_data.txt�
13 columns = Date of sightings, species, number in group, latitude, longitude, data source (see table 1), x (co-ordinate for centre of grid cell), y (co-ordinate for centre of grid cell), cell ID, depth (m), distance from coast (km), sediment category (0 = SND, 1 = GVSND, 3 = SNDGV, 5 = GV, 11 = MUDSND [BGS RCS codes available at]
5. Output from GEE (used for Figure 3) and Classification tree analysis (used for Figure 5, together with the final values for the predicted occurrence of bottlenose dolphins for each grid cell (Figure 6). 
Filename = �Model_outputs.txt�
6 columns = Cellname; XMEAN; YMEAN; TREE_output (Classification Tree output with predicted probability of dolphins in that grid being Tursiops); GEE_output (Predicted probability from the GEE of detecting any dolphin species within this cell in a given hour); Tursiops_Prob (Predicted probability of detecting bottlenose dolphins in each cell (GEE*TREE))