"Table 8.–Climatic observations recorded daily at 1800 at the Anvik River sonar project site, 2019.",,,,, ,,,,, Date,Precipitation (code a),Wind direction (code b),Wind velocity (kph),Sky (code c),Air temperature (degrees C) 06/16/2019,B,E,ND,B,ND 06/17/2019,A,W,ND,C,22.0 06/18/2019,B,E,ND,B,20.5 06/19/2019,A,E,ND,B,20.0 06/20/2019,A,NA,0.0,B,19.0 06/21/2019,A,W,2.3,O,21.0 06/22/2019,B,E,1.3,B,17.0 06/23/2019,A,W,0.9,B,18.0 06/24/2019,A,NA,0.0,B,18.0 06/25/2019,A,NA,0.0,B,23.0 06/26/2019,B,W,2.7,O,21.5 06/27/2019,A,W,3.1,C,26.5 06/28/2019,A,W,3.3,C,26.5 06/29/2019,A,W,1.5,B,22.0 06/30/2019,B,W,3.5,O,12.0 07/01/2019,A,W,1.8,O,15.0 07/02/2019,A,W,1.0,O,16.0 07/03/2019,B,W,1.3,O,15.0 07/04/2019,A,W,1.5,S,19.0 07/05/2019,A,W,3.3,C,26.0 07/06/2019,A,NE,0.8,C,28.5 07/07/2019,A,NE,1.3,F,27.5 07/08/2019,A,NE,4.9,F,30.0 07/09/2019,A,N,1.8,F,26.5 07/10/2019,A,W,1.5,F,28.0 07/11/2019,A,W,3.6,F,25.0 07/12/2019,C,W,1.0,B,17.0 07/13/2019,A,W,1.5,B,18.0 07/14/2019,A,NE,2.9,B,21.0 07/15/2019,A,W,2.7,B,21.0 07/16/2019,A,W,1.4,S,21.5 07/17/2019,A,W,2.5,C,19.0 07/18/2019,A,W,2.9,B,16.5 07/19/2019,A,W,2.1,O,16.0 07/20/2019,A,W,3.5,O,15.0 07/21/2019,A,NE,1.3,O,16.5 07/22/2019,A,W,2.1,O,21.0 07/23/2019,A,W,4.4,B,20.0 07/24/2019,A,W,2.0,O,17.0 07/25/2019,C,W,1.0,O,12.0 Note: ND indicates no data were recorded.,,,,, a Precipitation code for the preceding 24-hour period: A = none; B = intermittent rain; C = continuous rain; D = snow and rain mixed; E = light snowfall; F = continuous snowfall; G = thunderstorm with or without precipitation.,,,,, b Wind direction code: N = North; S = South; E = East; W = West; V = Variable; NA = Not applicable (no wind).,,,,, "c Instantaneous cloud cover code: C = clear, cloud cover < 10% of sky; S = cloud cover < 60% of sky; B = cloud cover 60–90% of sky; O = overcast (100%); F = fog, thick haze, or smoke.",,,,, ,,,,,