ReadMe for the "Phenological development in the alpine tundra" package accompanies: Carbognani et al. (2017) "Different temperature perception in high-elevation plants: new insight into phenological development and implications for climate change in the alpine tundra" 25 December 2017 This readme file describes the data files accompanying the above publication. For any further queries please contact The following files are included in the package: 0) "readme.txt" This file, including a description of the data included in the other files and the codes and measurement units of variables (and their levels). In all the following files "NA" indicates missing data. 1) "df1.txt" Dataset including the developmental rates for the 5 phenophases of the 3 species investigated. Used for Table 1a and Figure 2. Codes: column 1: sp = Species (3 levels: ca = Cardamine alpina, la = Leucanthemopsis alpina, va = Veronica alpina) column 2: s.dr = Developmental rate [prior to scaling, in day^-1], scaled within each phenophase (for each species) column 3: t = Mean air (+5 cm) temperature [in °C] during the period column 4: pp = Phenophase (5 levels: pp1 = unopened buds, pp2 = flowering, pp3 = initiated fruits, pp4 = expanding fruits, pp5 = seed dispersal) column 5: yr = Year (5 growing seasons: 2010 to 2014) column 6: pl = Plot (20 levels) 2) "df2.txt" Dataset including the developmental rates from the snowmelt time to seed dispersal of the 3 species investigated. Used for Table 1b and Figure 3. Codes: column 1: sp = Species (3 levels: ca = Cardamine alpina, la = Leucanthemopsis alpina, va = Veronica alpina) column 2: drt = Developmental rate [in day^-1] column 3: tt = Mean air (+5 cm) temperature [in °C] during the period column 4: yr = Year (5 growing seasons: 2010 to 2014) column 5: pl = Plot (20 levels) 3) "df3.txt" Dataset including the developmental rates from the snowmelt time to flowering of the 3 species investigated in earlier and later snowmelt locations. Used for Table 2. Codes: column 1: dr.pre = Developmental rate [in day^-1] column 2: sm = Snowmelt location (2 levels: E = earlier, L = later) column 3: t.pre = Mean air (+5 cm) temperature [in °C] during the period column 4: sp = Species (3 levels: ca = Cardamine alpina, la = Leucanthemopsis alpina, va = Veronica alpina) column 5: yr = Year (5 growing seasons: 2010 to 2014) column 6: pl = Plot (20 levels) 4) "df4.txt" Dataset including the developmental rates of the pre- and post-dispersal phenoperiods of the 3 species investigated in earlier and later snowmelt locations. Used for Table 3a and Figure 4. Codes: column 1: s.dr = Developmental rate [prior to scaling, in day^-1], scaled at the species level column 2: t = Mean air (+5 cm) temperature [in °C] during the period column 3: pha = Phenoperiod (2 levels: pre = Pre-dispersal, post = Post-dispersal) column 4: sm = Snowmelt location (2 levels: E = earlier, L = later) column 5: sp = Species (3 levels: ca = Cardamine alpina, la = Leucanthemopsis alpina, va = Veronica alpina) column 6: yr = Year (5 growing seasons: 2010 to 2014) column 7: pl = Plot (20 levels) 5) "df5.txt" Dataset including the developmental rates from the snowmelt time to seed dispersal of the 3 species investigated in earlier and later snowmelt locations under control and warmer temperatures. Used for Table 3b. Codes: column 1: drt = Developmental rate [in day^-1] column 2: sp = Species (3 levels: ca = Cardamine alpina, la = Leucanthemopsis alpina, va = Veronica alpina) column 3: sm = Snowmelt location (2 levels: E = earlier, L = later) column 4: trt = Temperature treatment (2 levels: C = control, W = warmer) column 5: yr = Year (5 growing seasons: 2010 to 2014) column 6: pl = Plot (20 levels)