Table name: 2013 copulation data (Methods: Fertilization assurance hypothesis: Male age) Unique_FemaleID: Each individual female was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Unique_MaleID: Each individual male was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Copulations_count: Number of times a female copulated with a particular male in a reproductive bout. Male_Age: Individual age in years. Either the exact number of years since hatching or an estimate of minimum age defined as youngest possible age at first capture plus years elapsed since first capture. Alpha_Tenure: Years of alpha experience nest_bout: Nesting attempt within the breeding season for the female. Females will renest up to 3 times in a single breeding season. Table name: all female data (Methods: Male and female experience; Methods: Consistent behavioral differences) Unique_FemaleID: Each individual female was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Unique_NestID: Each individual nest was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Year: Observation year Female_Age: Individual age in years. Either the exact number of years since hatching or an estimate of minimum age defined as youngest possible age at first capture plus years elapsed since first capture. "Female_AgeExact: ""Y"" indicates that the exact number of years since hatching is known, ""N"" indicates that the age is a minimum estimate based on youngest possible age at first capture plus years elapsed since first capture." "MultiplePaternity: Paternity status of a nest, 0 indicates a single male sired both chicks in the nest, 1 indicates the two chicks had different sires." Table name: all nests multiple paternity data (Methods: Genotyping and paternity assignment) "MultiplePaternity: Paternity status of a nest, 0 indicates a single male sired both chicks in the nest, 1 indicates the two chicks had different sires." Year: Observation year Unique_NestID: Each individual nest was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Table name: alpha age & experience data (Methods: Male and female experience; Methods: Fertilization assurance hypothesis: Male age) Year: Observation year Male_Age: Individual age in years. Either the exact number of years since hatching or an estimate of minimum age defined as youngest possible age at first capture plus years elapsed since first capture. "Male_AgeExact: ""Y"" indicates that the exact number of years since hatching is known, ""N"" indicates that the age is a minimum estimate based on youngest possible age at first capture plus years elapsed since first capture." Alpha_Tenure: Years of alpha experience CountMultPatNests: Count of multiple paternity nests in which the male was a sire. CountSinglePatNests: Count of single paternity nests in which the male was a sire. Unique_MaleID: Each individual male was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Table name: alpha presence data (Online supporting information: Appendix S2) Year: Observation year CountMultPatNests: Count of multiple paternity nests in which the male was a sire. CountSinglePatNests: Count of single paternity nests in which the male was a sire. Proportion_Present: Proportion of total behavioral observations at a display area in which the alpha male was present. Unique_MaleID: Each individual male was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Table name: bet-hedging data (Methods: Genetic bet-hedging) "MultiplePaternity: Paternity status of a nest, 0 indicates a single male sired both chicks in the nest, 1 indicates the two chicks had different sires." Year: Observation year "Nest_FinalStatus: Final status of a nest. 0 indicates that both chicks did not survive to fledging, 1 indicates that at least one of the two chicks survived to fledging." Unique_NestID: Each individual nest was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Unique_FemaleID: Each individual female was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Table name: male repeatability data (Methods: Consistent behavioral differences) "MultiplePaternity: Paternity status of a nest, 0 indicates a single male sired both chicks in the nest, 1 indicates the two chicks had different sires." Unique_MaleID: Each individual male was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Unique_NestID: Each individual nest was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Table name: male status data (Methods: Male social status) Unique_MaleID: Each individual male was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. Year: Observation year "Male_Status: Male status in that observation year (after first year alpha, first year alpha, or beta)." CountMultPatNests: Count of multiple paternity nests in which the male was a sire. CountSinglePatNests: Count of single paternity nests in which the male was a sire. Table name: next year mates data (Methods: Behavioral observations and male status) Unique_NestID: Each individual nest was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. "Male1_matenext: ""yes"" indicates that the sire of one chick in the nest was a sire in the female's nest the subsequent year. ""no"" indicates that the sire of one chick in the nest was not a sire in the female's nest the subsequent year." "Male2_matenext: Same as above, but for the sire of the second chick. ""yes"" indicates that the sire of the other chick in the nest was a sire in the female's nest the subsequent year. ""no"" indicates that the sire of the other chick in the nest was not a sire in the female's nest the subsequent year." "Male1_alivenext: ""yes"" indicates that sire of one chick in the female's nest was alive in the year after the focal nest. ""no"" indicates that the sire of one of the chicks in the female's nest was not alive in the year after the focal nest." "Male2_alivenext: Same as above but for the sire of the second chick. ""yes"" indicates that sire of one chick in the focal nest was alive in the year after the focal nest. ""no"" indicates that the sire of one of the chicks in the focal nest was not alive in the year after the focal nest." Table name: previous year mates data (Methods: Behavioral observations and male status) Unique_NestID: Each individual nest was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. "Male1_matedprev: ""yes"" indicates that the sire of one chick in the nest was a sire in the female's nest the previous year. ""no"" indicates that the sire of one chick in the nest was not a sire in the female's nest the previous year." "Male2_matedprev: Same as above, but for the sire of the second chick. ""yes"" indicates that the sire of the other chick in the nest was a sire in the female's nest the previous year. ""no"" indicates that the sire of the other chick in the nest was not a sire in the female's nest the previous year." "PreviousMateAlive: ""yes"" indicates that sire of the chicks in the female's previous nest was alive in the year of the focal nest. ""no"" indicates that the sire of the chicks in the female's previous nest was not alive in the year of the focal nest." Table name: chick order and father experience data (Methods: Nests and offspring) Unique_NestID: Each individual nest was assigned a random unique number. These unique IDs are consistent across data tables. Note that not all individuals were included in all analyses. "ChickOrder: Order in which the chicks hatched. 1 indicates first hatched chick, 2 indicates second hatched chick." "Alpha_Tenure: Years of alpha experience. ""0"" indicates a beta male in this table."