This excel file (Complete experimental and qPCR data) contains all of the experimental and qPCR data for the associated manuscript (Life-history strategy determines constraints on immune function, J Animal Ecology, 2017). The data is contained in 11 tabs: Tab 1: Cost of Immunity - Fecundity Shows lifetime fecundity (total offspring) of aphids stabbed with a sterile needle (control) or with heat-killed fungal pathogen (Fungus). The genotype column refers to the aphid genotype, Morph is whether an individual was winged or unwinged. Tab 2: Cost of Immunity - Survival Shows survival data for the cost of immunity experiment. The status column refers to an aphid either being dead (1) or alive (0) at the corresponding time-point in the Day column. The treatment column refers to whether an aphid was stabbed with heat-killed fungal solution (Fungus) or a sterile stab (Sterile). Morph is whether an individual was winged or unwinged. Tab 3: Live Infection - Survival Survival data from the live pathogen infection - with 1 indicating the aphid surviving to Day 9 of the infection, and 0 indicating the aphid dying on or before day 9. Morph is whether an individual was winged or unwinged. Treatment refers to whether aphids were exposed to spores (Fungus) or were kept as control aphids (Control). The genotype column refers to the aphid genotype. Tab 4: Live Infection - Sporulation Shows whether an aphid produced a sporulating cadaver in the Live Infection experiment (1 - sporulated, 0 - no spores). The genotype column refers to the aphid genotype. Treatment refers to whether aphids were exposed to spores (Fungus) or were kept as control aphids (Control). Morph is whether an individual was winged or unwinged. Tab 5: Pathogen Load Shows pathogen load as measured by qPCR. The P_load value refers to the number copies of Pandora 18S as measured by a standard curve method in 50ng total DNA. Morph refers to whether aphids winged or unwinged. The genotype column refers to the aphid genotype. Tab 6: Live Infection - Stabs Contains the data for an experiment where we injected live spores through the aphid cuticle. Morph refers to whether an aphid was winged or unwinged. Plant shows which plant the aphids were kept on. The initial column shows how many aphids were placed on each plant after injection. The D1-D5 columns refer to the number of aphids alive at each day after injection. Tab 7: Cell Counts - Stabs Cell count data for the heat-killed fungal injection experiment. Cells refer to the total number of immune cells counted from a slide. Wing status shows whether the aphids from which hemolymph was extracted were winged or unwinged. Treatment refers to whether aphids were stabbed with heat-killed fungal solution, sterile stabbed, or kept as controls. Tab 8: Cell Counts - Infection (96hrs) Cell count data from a live fungal infection. Hemolymph was extracted at 96 hours, status refers to whether aphids were winged or unwinged, Treatment refers to whether aphids were exposed to fungus or kept as controls. Tab 9: Cell Counts - Infection (48hrs) Cell count data from a live fungal infection. Hemolymph was extracted at 48 hours, status refers to whether aphids were winged or unwinged, Treatment refers to whether aphids were exposed to fungus or kept as controls. Tab 10: Transcriptome Survival Shows survival data for the aphids that were used for transciptome sequencing. Wing refers to whether aphids were winged or unwinged, Treatment whether they were exposed to fungus or were kept as controls. Number represents different plants. The 4-8 columns show how many aphids were alive on each day of the infection on each plant. Tab 11: qPCR Shows the gene expression data as measured by quantitative PCR. The Gene column gives the gene annotation, and ACYPI refers to the gene ID number. There were three replicates for each combination of gene, treatment, timepoint, and morph as indicated in the Replicate column. Morph refers to whether aphids were winged or unwinged, Treatment indicates whether aphids were exposed to fungus or kept as controls. Timepoint shows whether aphids were frozen for RNA extraction at 12, 24, or 48hrs after exposure. The comparative threshold values (Ct) are given for the endogenous control (ef1a) and target genes. The Delta_Ct value shows the difference between these columns. The fold change column gives the fold change for each combination of gene, morph, and timepoint in response to treatment.