The cornell_canine plink files accompanies: Complex disease and phenotype mapping in the domestic dog, Hayward, Jessica J., Castelhano, Marta G., Oliveira, Kyle C., Corey, Elizabeth, Balkman, Cheryl, Baxter, Tara L., Casal, Margret L., Center, Sharon A., Fang, Meiying, Garrison, Susan J., Kalla, Sara E., Korniliev, Pavel, Kotlikoff, Michael I., Moise, N.S., Shannon, Laura M., Simpson, Kenneth W., Sutter, Nathan B., Todhunter, Rory J., Boyko, Adam R. These files contain 160,727 SNPs that remained after phasing with a minor allele frequency (MAF) filter of >0.01. cornell_canine.fam - ID and sex information for each dog cornell_canine.bim - chromosome, name, location, alleles for each SNP cornell_canine.bed - genotypes for each dog at each SNP phenotypes.txt - phenotypes for each dog.