Readme file for datasets used to fit models (1-3) in "Neyens et al. 2019. Mapping species richness using opportunistic samples: a case study on ground-floor bryophyte species richness in the Belgian province of Limburg. Scientific Reports." data_CSD.txt: citizen science data data_RSD.txt: randomised survey data Each line resembles 1 sampling event Y: species richness measured during sampling event V: relative coverage of valuable nature in the IFBL cell that was visited during the sampling event F: relative forest coverage in the IFBL cell that was visited during the sampling event t: year in which the sampling event took place W: relative coverage by wet areas in the IFBL cell that was visited during the sampling event C: the number of data collectors present at the sampling event x: longitude of location of the sampling event (= center of IFBL cell with small amount of random jitter, needed to estimate the model) y: latitude of location of the sampling event (= center of IFBL cell with small amount of random jitter, needed to estimate the model) D: distance to the main collectors’ residential municipality in km. Detailed information regarding variable definitions can be found in the main manuscript (Sections 2.1 and 2.2).