Plant species (frequency estimate) and environmental data in each of the 212 plots used in Pellissier et al. Mol. Ecol. Species and Env. data: responsable A. Guisan Collectors: A. Dubuis, L. Pellissier, S. Godat, C. Purro, S. Giovanettina, J.-N. Pradervand, V. Rion, J. Pottier, P. Vittoz and A. Guisan [1] "No_terr" [2] "No_final" [3] "A" [4] "LF" [5] "LG" [6] "SF" [7] "SG" [8] "pH" [9] "N" [10] "Cmin" [11] "Corg" [12] "P" [13] "X" [14] "Y" [15] "ddeg0" [16] "mind68" [17] "sumradyy" [18] "topos" [19] "elevation" [20] "slope" [21] "SR" [22] "Alliance" [1] "No_terr" [2] Number of the vegetation plot. [3] Clay (content of the soil) [4] Fine silt (content of the soil) [5] Coarse silt (content of the soil) [6] Fine sand (content of the soil) [7] Coarse sand CSA (content of the soil) [8] Soil water pH [9] total N content [10] Mineral C [11] Organic C [12] Total P content [13] Longitude, in Swiss plane coordinate system of the vegetation plot. [14] Latitude, in Swiss plane coordinate system of the vegetation plot. [15] Growing degree days (with a 0°C threshold) [16] Moisture index over the growing season (average values for June to August in mm day-1) computed as the difference between precipitations and evapotranspiration (P - ETP : 1/10mm / mth) [17] Annual sum of radiation (in kJ m-2 year-1) [18] Topographic position (an integrated and unit-less measure of topographic exposure; Zimmermann et al., 2007) [19] Digital elevation model (DEM) at 100 m resolution [20] Slope (in degrees) [21] Species richness [22] According to Delarze, R., Gonseth, Y., Galland, P. (1998). Milieux naturels de Suisse. Delachaux et Niestlé, Lausanne, 415 p.