The four directories contain outputs from 4 independent simulation experiments. The four digit suffix in each directory name indicates the initial proportions of allele MT1 and MT2 (50/50, 80/20, 95/5 and 99/1). Each directory contains: Console output for each of the nine combinations of disturbance size and dispersal distance (3 x 3) Each combination is run for 50 replicates.The file that drives the replication is CridA_Fixation.bch ./series. Tab separated text files of the count of MT1 and MT2 alleles and the total population for the 20,000 year simulation. Naming convention : DS<01|02|03> Disturbance size 01=4; 02=24; 03=48 cells in width DC<01|02|03> Dispersal capacity 01=2, 02=8, 03=16 cells (mean distance) HP inital starting MT1 and MT2 proportions RP<001 - 050> replicate number ./model : model parameters