Boechera_experiment_phenology.txt contains individual-level phenology data for the Boechera stricta experiment (Tables S8-S10) for control and snow removal treatments for both cohorts of experimental plants. In the main text, we analyzed the two cohorts separately. Column headings: Source_population: The unique identifier for each source population of the maternal families in the experiment. Source_elevation: The elevation of origin (m) for each maternal family. Maternal_family: Identity of the maternal family (=genotype) planted. PlantID: The individual identification of each plant. Treatment: The experimental treatment (control vs. snow removal). C is control and r is snow removal. flowering_success: A binary variable indicating whether a plant flowered (1) or not (0) in a given year. Ordinal_day_of_flower: Flowering phenology, as measured by the ordinal day. Days_from_snowmelt_to_flower: Flowering phenology, as measured by the elapsed days since snowmelt (=ordinal day of flowering - ordinal day of snowmelt). AGDD_at_first_flower: The number of accumulated growing degree days from the start of the growing season to the date of first flower. See supplemental information for details. Daylength_at_First_Flower: Daylength at flowering. (The number of hours of daylight in decimal format.) Season: The growing season in which phenology was measured. cohort: The experimental cohort. We planted one cohort in the fall of 2013 and the second in the fall of 2014. Please contact Jill Anderson ( with any questions