Phenological trait data for experimental populations of Centaurea diffusa, measured throughout experiment Trait values measured in common field experiment in Montpellier, France, 2011. File also include the first three principal components from the experimental PCA of the bioclimatic data for these populations. Each individual represent by one row of data in this file. File contains row numbers. Some data in this file is duplicated in FrTraitClimDat_cline_long.txt and FrTraitClimDat_cline.txt. Column headings are largely spelled out, abbreviations below. Pop = population ID Origin = status of population, either native ("nat") or invasive ("inv") Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) tagged = plant ID, blindly assigned Row = location in field experiment Column = location in field experiment Trt = Treatment, either water addition ("control") or water limitation ("drought") Mom = maternal plant ID, seed collected from field Wilt = experimental day when first signs of wilting were observed. TotWilt = experimental day when plant was observed to be completely wilted. Yellow = experimental day when yellowing of leaves was observed. Ending = fate of plant, either "H" for harvested or "DEAD" if plant died during experiment = experimental day when plant was observed to be dead. BoltedatH = whether or not a plant had bolted by the end of the experiment ("Yes" or "No") comments = additional comments = experimental day above ground biomass was harvested. Harvest occurred when a plant had bolted, but not yet flowered, or at the end of the experiment, day 117. = experimental day on which plant was observed to have bolted, i.e. produced a flowering stalk Shoot.mass.gH = dry weithg of above ground biomass at harvest (g) Image = file name of leaf scan image taken for specific leaf area measurement lfArea = leaf area measured from Image, using ImageJ lfMass = dry weight of leaf scanned in Image (mg) bolt.bin = BoltedatH in binary form (yes = 1; no = 0) SLA = specific leaf area, lfArea / lfMass sla.log = specific leaf area, log transformed Mass.log = Shoot.mass.gH, log transformed end.bin = Ending in binary form (harvested = 1, died = 0) alt = Altitude (m) PC1 through PC3 = principal components from analysis of the bioclimatic data for these populations, excluding origin and longitude.