Bioclimatic data and PCA values for occurrence records of Centaurea diffusa Geographic and climatic information for 662 occurrence records of native and invasive Centaurea diffusa (diffuse knapweed) from North America and Europe. Occurrence records include records from as well as populations collected for: Turner KG, Hufbauer RA, Rieseberg LH (2014) Rapid evolution of an invasive weed. New Phytologist, 202, 309–321. Bioclimatic data taken from Also included are the first three principal components from an analysis of this data, using altitude, latitude, and bioclimatic variables. File includes row names, identical to first column, Pop. Column headings are largely spelled out, abbreviations below. Pop = population ID. Either gbifID or collection ID alt = Altitude (m) bio1 through bio19 = 19 bioclimatic variables from current dataset Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) Origin = status of population, either native ("nat") or invasive ("inv") PC1 through PC3 = prinicpal components from analysis of this data, excluding origin and longitude.