************************************************************************************************************************************* ReadMe file accompanying data file for: "Logging increases the functional and phylogenetic dispersion of understorey plant communities in tropical lowland rainforest." Authors: Timm F. Dobert, Bruce L. Webber, John B. Sugau, Katharine J.M. Dickinson & Raphael K. Didham Published in: Journal of Ecology DOI: ************************************************************************************************************************************* File name: PlotData.csv Description: This csv file contains the full database of characteristics for each of 180 vegetation plots including logging metrics, environmental variables as well as taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity indices. Contact authors: Timm Dobert (timm.dobert@gmail.com); Raphael Didham (raphael.didham@csiro.au) Column headings: plot.code: Vegetation plot unique identifier block: One of eight sampling blocks (A-F, LF and OG) across the study landscape fragment: One of three fragment designations (1ha, 10ha or 100ha) within a block north: UTM northing coordinate east: UTM easting coordinate elevation: The elevation of a plot (m) forestloss17: The proportion of forest canopy loss at the local scale, i.e. within a 17m radius (%) forestloss562: The proportion of forest canopy loss at the landscape scale, i.e. within a 562m radius (%) roaddensprim: Regional-scale density of continuously-maintained primary logging roads (km.km-2) roaddenssec: Regional-scale density of occasionally-used secondary logging roads (km.km-2) roaddistprim: Distance to nearest primary road (m) roaddistsec: Distance to nearest secondary road (m) river: Distance to nearest river (> 3m width; m) pH: Soil pH humus: Soil humus depth (cm) soilN: Total soil nitrogen content (mg.cm-3) soilP: Plant available soil phosphorus content (µg.cm-3) bulkdens: Soil bulk density (g.cm-3) soilmoist: Soil moisture factor soilPC1: Principal component axis 1 scores from a PCA of the six soil-biogeochemical variables soilPC2: Principal component axis 2 scores from a PCA of the six soil-biogeochemical variables ntaxa: Species richness FDisLOG: Biomass-weighted functional dispersion (standardized effect sizes) nriLOG: Biomass-weighted net relatedness index (phylogenetic dispersion based on the branch length between each pair of taxa in a plot) FRicLOG: Biomass-weighted functional richness (standardized effect sizes) FDisLOGr: Biomass-weighted functional dispersion of response traits (standardized effect sizes) FDisLOGe: Biomass-weighted functional dispersion of effect traits (standardized effect sizes) woody: The proportion of woody species in a plot treesapling: The proportion of tree saplings out of all species per plot nriLOGWoody: Biomass-weighted net relatedness index of woody species only nriLOGSapling: Biomass-weighted net relatedness index of tree saplings only nriLOGnonWoody: Biomass-weighted net relatedness index of non-woody species only ************************************************************************************************************************************ File name: SpeciesTraitData.csv Description: This csv file contains the complete list of species (691) sampled across 180 vegetation plots (2 x 2m) located at the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) project in Sabah, Malaysia, including their allocation to a range of plant functional traits as well as a distinction between native or exotic species origin. Contact authors: Timm Dobert (timm.dobert@gmail.com); Raphael Didham (raphael.didham@csiro.au) Column headings: species.code: Unique code for each plant taxa family: Plant family name genus: Plant genus name species: Plant species name or unique identifier where species indeterminate species.name: The genus and species name tree: Distinction between tree (yes), no tree (no) or indeterminate (na) woody: Distinction between woody (yes), non-woody (no) or indeterminate (na) origin: Distinction between native (n) and exotic (e) plant species pgf: Plant growth form: A = fern, B = graminoid, C = forb, D = herbaceous climber, E = herbaceous shrub, F = tree sapling, G = woody climber, H = woody shrub, na = indeterminate height: Maximum plant height (m) sla: Specific leaf area (m2.kg-1) wood.dens: Wood density (g.cm-3) dispersal: Predominant dispersal mode: J = animal, K = ant, L = ballistic, M = bat, N = bird, O = primate, P = water, Q = wind, na = indeterminate fruit: The type of fruit: R = achene, S = berry, T = berry-like, U = capsule, V = caryopsis, W = drupe, X = follicle, Y = legume, Z = nut, a = samara, b = schizocarp, na = indeterminate seed: The number of seeds per fruit: 1 = 1, 2 = <4, 3 = <10, 4 = >10, na = indeterminate reproduction: The reproduction strategy: s = seed, v = vegetative, sv = seed or vegetative, na = indeterminate lifehistory: The lifehistory strategy: a = annual, abp = annual or biennial or perennial, ap = annual or perennial, p = perennial, na = indeterminate pollination: The pollination syndrome: c = bat, d = bee, e = beetle, f = bird, g = butterfly, h = entomophilous.broad, i = entomophilous.narrow, j = fly, k = moth, l = passive, m = self, n = thrip, o = wasp, p = wind, na = indeterminate *********************************************************************************************************************************** File name: PlotSpeciesData.csv Description: This csv file contains a matrix of biomass values for 691 plant taxa sampled across 180 vegetation plots (2 x 2m) located at the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) project in Sabah, Malaysia. Contact authors: Timm Dobert (timm.dobert@gmail.com); Raphael Didham (raphael.didham@csiro.au) Column and row headings: Columns: The unique identifiers of 691 plant taxa Rows: The 180 vegetation plots across 3 fragments nested within 8 blocks Matrix values: The dry weight biomass (g.m-2) of each species in each plot ***********************************************************************************************************************************