############################ #Read data and name it “dat” ############################ dat<-dget("datViljugrein_etal2018.txt") #Data Application 1 year 1 (2016) and year 2 (2017) datA1_2016<-dat[[1]] datA1_2017<-dat[[2]] datA1_2016 datA1_2017 #antRein = Mean of estimated nr of calves[1], yearlings[2] and adults[3] #sd_Rein = SD of estimated nr of calves[1], yearlings[2] and adults[3] #my = Number of cwd positive calves[1], yearlings[2] and adults[3] #mk = Number of tested calves[1], yearlings[2] and adults[3] #pRLN = Proportion of samples with RLN #Data Application 2 population 1 (Nordfjella zone 2) and 2 (Hardangervidda) datA2_Nf2<-dat[[3]] datA2_H<-dat[[4]] datA2_Nf2 datA2_H #N = population size of yearlings[1] and adults[2] #nn = Number of tested yearlings[1] and adults[2] (2016-2017) #n = Number of tested with known age class yearlings[1] and adults[2] (2016-2017) #nUnknown = Number of tested with unknown ageclass distributed to ageclass yearlings[1] and adults[2] #distributed according to distribution on data where age is known #PrRLN = Proportion of samples with RLN