3. Elampus sanzii Gogorza, 1887

Elampus Sanzii Gogorza 1887: 33. Holotype ♂; Spain: Madrid (MNCN).

Remarks. This species was reported from Sweden in Dyntaxa (2013) and from Latvia by Tumšs & Maršakovs (1970: 90, as Notozus sanzii), Soon (2004: 44) and Rosa & Soon (2012, as doubtful). The single Swedish specimen was recently found to be misidentified and represent E. foveatus. According to Tumšs & Maršakovs (1970), two specimens were found in Latvia (one female from Staldzene and one male from Staicele). However, no specimens determined as E. sanzii have been found in Tumšs’ and Maršakovs’ collections in Riga. One exceptionally green specimen of E. panzeri, which had the same data as E. sanzii in Tumšs & Maršakovs' publication, was found among specimens of E. panzeri, and it probably represents the other Latvian specimen. Because E. sanzii is a southern species in Europe, the Latvian records are doubtful and most likely erroneous.