64. Chrysis sexdentata Christ, 1791

Chrysis sexdentata Christ 1791: 404. Type?; locality unknown (Mus.?). Tumšs & Maršakovs 1970: 92, Soon 2004: 46, Orlovskytė et al. 2010: 153.

Chrysis sexdentata sexdentata: Rosa & Soon 2012.

Distribution. Latvia.—Westpalearctic: southern and central Europe, western and central Asia, North Africa (Linsenmaier 1959, 1999).

Remarks. One male specimen of this species was reported from central Latvia, Ropaži, by Tumšs & Maršakovs (1970). The specimen has been checked at LMSZ in Riga. The closest records are from Belarus (Shljachtenok 2006). Haupt (1957: 118) reported C. sexdentata from southern Sweden, but this record is most likely erroneous. The record of Dahlbom (1831) of C. sexdentata (nec Christ, 1791) from Westrogothia (= Västergötland) in Sweden refers to C. equestris or C. zetterstedti, which were not yet described at that time. Dahlbom’s record of C. sexdentata was also mentioned by Zetterstedt (1840).