15. Holopyga fervida (Fabricius, 1781)

Chrysis feruida Fabricius 1781: 456. Neotype ♀ (designated by Kimsey 1988: 272); Spain (ZMUC) (examined).

Holopyga fervida: Soon 2004: 45, Allearter.dk 2010.

Holopyga fervida fervida: Rosa & Soon 2012.

Material examined. Denmark: LFM: Bremersvold, 20.VII.1904, 1 ♀ (L. Jørgensen); Røgebølle, 5.VII.1912, 1 ♀ (L. Jørgensen).

Distribution. Denmark.—Westpalearctic: Europe, North Africa, Turkey, Middle East (Kimsey & Bohart 1991).

Remarks. Only two female specimens have been collected from the island of Lolland in Denmark. Records from Finland, published by Trautmann (1927, 1930) and Linsenmaier (1951, 1959), are referable to H. metallica (see Linsenmaier 1987).