7. Pseudomalus pusillus (Fabricius, 1804)

Chrysis pusilla Fabricius 1804: 176. Syntypes ♂♂, ♀♀; Austria (ZMUC, NMW) (examined).

Omalus pusillus: Trautmann 1927: 37, Benno 1950: 28, Tumšs & Maršakovs 1970: 90, Kalniņš et al. 2007: 142, Allearter.dk 2010.

Pseudomalus pusillus: Soon 2004: 45, Orlovskytė et al. 2010: 147.

Pseudomalus pusillus pusillus: Rosa & Soon 2012.

Material examined. Denmark: SJ: Gråsten, 30.VII.1921, 2 exx. (L. Jørgensen).

Distribution. Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania.—Transpalearctic: from West Europe and North Africa to Russian Far East (Kurzenko & Lelej 2007).

Remarks. This species has been reported from Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania. Balthasar (1954: 90) and later Banaszak (1980: 10) reported the species also from southern Sweden (as Omalus pusillus), but these records are most likely erroneous, as no Swedish specimens have been found from collections. Soon (2004) reported the species from Denmark based on two Danish specimens deposited in ZMUC (see data above). In Latvia, four records are known from the central and southeast part of the country (Tumšs & Maršakovs 1970), and in Lithuania two records are known from the southeast (Pilaitė and Puvočiai) (Orlovskytė et al. 2010).