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Published May 28, 2021 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Pathways to Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research: the SHAPE-ID Toolkit

  • 1. The University of Edinburgh
  • 2. Trinity College Dublin


This third SHAPE-ID policy brief introduces the SHAPE-ID Toolkit and presents recommendations to policymakers and funders on how this new web-based resource can be used to make informed decisions about inter- and transdisciplinary research, involving the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to maximise effective responses to societal challenges.

This is a project deliverable for the SHAPE-ID project and is currently under review by the European Commission.


SHAPE-ID 822705 D5.4 Final Policy Brief Drawing on Project Toolkit.pdf

Files (432.8 kB)

Additional details


SHAPE-ID – Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe 822705
European Commission