Spaziphora tomkovichi Ozerov, 2011

[Japanese name: Hirata-migiwa-funbae]

(Figs 52–56)

Spaziphora tomkovichi Ozerov, 2011. Type-locality: Chukotka, Anadyr’Distr., Meynipyl’gino, lake-morene [Russia].

Material examined. Hokkaido, 2 ♂, 1 ♀, Kushiro Marsh, Kushiro, 4. viii. 1993, leg. M. Iwasa.

Diagnosis. Spaziphora tomkovichi Ozerov (Fig. 52) can be recognized by the following characteristics: anterior part of frons, face, parafacial, and gena whitish; postpedicel yellowish, with slightly angular upper corner (Fig. 53); palpi spatulate and white (Fig. 54); thorax black with grey dusting; legs yellow; abdomen slender, grey dusted, and subshiny; male sternite V ventrally with two distinct spur-like tubercles (Figs 55, 56); male surstyli stout and apically pointed, closing each other (Fig. 56).

Body length (♂ ♀). 7.3–8.0 mm.

Distribution. Russia (the Far East) (Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2014) and Japan (Hokkaido). New to Japan.

Remarks. Currently, the genus Spaziphora comprises three species in the world (Ozerov, 2011). Spaziphora tomkovichi is easily distinguished from other known congeneric species by having two distinct ventral spure-like tubercles on male sternite V.