Weltnerium nymphocola (Hoek, 1883)

Fig. 40

Scalpellum angustum G. O. Sars, 1879: 466 (name preoccupied by S. angustum Dixon, 1850, a fossil).

Scalpellum nymphocola Hoek, 1883: 89, pl. III, fig. 23, pl. IX, fig. 6; Broch, 1924: 30, figs 9–10; Tarasov, 1932: 59; 1936: 45; 1937b: 41; 1945: 53, fig.1; Broch, 1953: 4; Tarasov & Zevina, 1957: 127, fig. 35; Zevina & Tarasov, 1964: 229, fig. 1; Nilsson-Cantell, 1978: 21–24, fig. 9.

Scalpellum groenlandicum Aurivillius, 1894: 60, taf. v, figs 1–2.

Scalpellum sarsi nov. nom. Withers, 1922: 657.

Scalpellum angustum et nymphocola: Boyno-Rodzevich, 1923: 136, fig.1.

Weltnerium nymphocola: Zevina, 1981a: 206–207, fig. 145, table 5; Klepal & Nemeschkal, 1995: 183; Bakken & Moen, 2004: 4, fig. 1D; Poltarukha, 2011: 150, fig. 1.

Material examined. 15 syntypes NHM UK 2013.1138-1147, Knight Errant expedition, Stn 8: Atlantic, Northeast (South of Faroe Islands); 987 m. 20 syntypes NHM UK 1956.9.25.89, HMS “Triton”, Stn 9: Atlantic, Northeast (South of Faroe Islands), 1111 m. Found on Boreonymphon robustum (Bell, 1855).

Supplementary descriptions. Zevina & Tarasov (1964) and Nilsson-Cantell (1978).

Distribution. Arctic Sea; Atlantic, Northeast. Known depth range 28 to 1360 m.

Habitat. Found on Pycnogonida legs.

Remarks. When describing Scalpellum nymphocola Hoek (1883) noted that this species “comes very near to Scalpellum angustum G.O. Sars ”. Withers (1922) pointed out that S. angustum G. O. Sars, 1879 was a homonym of S. angustum Dixon, 1850, a fossil. The name S. sarsi was proposed as a replacement name by Withers (1922), but S. nymphocola is the oldest available name for this taxon.

Hoek (1883) also mentioned material from HMS “Triton”, Stn 8: Atlantic, Northeast (South of Faroe Islands), 1170 m. The material cannot be located in the NHM collection.