Gymnoscalpellum insigne (Hoek, 1883)

Fig. 4

Scalpellum insigne Hoek, 1883: 68, pl. II, figs 3–4.

Gymnoscalpellum insigne: Zevina, 1981a: 153–154, fig. 109.

Material examined. Holotype NHM UK 2013.1067, Stn 6: Atlantic, Northeast (off Cape Sao Vincente, Portugal); 2791 m.

Diagnosis. Hoek (1883) only, no appendage descriptions available.

Distribution. Atlantic, Northeast: off the Azores. Known depth range 2791 m.

Remarks. Newman & Ross (1971) considered this species to be an ontogenetic stage similar to those of other Gymnoscalpellum species, particularly Gymnoscalpellum larvale (Pilsbry, 1907с). Study of the shell plate details confirms that these two species may be closely related, but the appendages have not yet been compared in detail.

Genus Litoscalpellum Newman & Ross, 1971

Litoscalpellum Newman & Ross, 1971: 108; Zevina, 1978b: 1344; Liu & Ren, 1985: 196, 2007: 228.

Diagnosis. 14 capitular plates, mostly unreduced; basal margin of tergum straight or with broad shallow notch; scutum sometimes with apico-lateral arm less than 1/5 of tergal border length, basal margin straight and smooth; upper latus triangular or elongate, commonly with slightly hollowed-out basal margin, rarely with deep notch; carinal latus as long as wide or slightly longer than wide, umbo sub-basicarinal; inframedian latus narrow, triangular or quadrilateral, umbo apical; rostral latus wider than high, with height diminishing from lateral to rostral border; caudal appendages with one to nine segments.

Type species. Litoscalpellum fissicarinatum Newman & Ross, 1971.

Composition. 26 species.

Distribution. worldwide, excluding the Arctic. Known depth range 15 to 4070 m.

Remarks. According to Zevina (1978b) the type species, L. fissicarinatum, could be a synonym of Scalpellum korotkevitshae Zevina, 1968.