Phronimopsis spinifera Claus, 1879

Phronimopsis spinifera Claus, 1879: 64, pl. 1, figs. 1‒3; Siegel-Causey, 1992: 192; Vinogradov et al., 1996: 404, fig. 175; Zeidler, 2004: 33; Brusca & Hendrickx, 2005: 150 (list); García Madrigal, 2007: 151 (list); Lavaniegos & Hereu, 2009: 139‒142 (passim), 142 (tab. 1), 151 (Appendix 1); Valencia & Giraldo, 2009: 266, 268 (tab. 1), fig. 2; 2012: 1491‒1497 (passim), 1492 (tab. 1), 1496 (tab. 3), figs. a, 7c; Lavaniegos, 2014: 1‒7 (passim), 4 (tab. 1), 10 (tab. 4), fig. 5; 2017: 18 (tab. 2), fig. 7.

Phronimopsis sarsi Bovallius, 1887: 23.

Material examined. 12M, 4F, in 7 localities (Fig. 7). TALUD III, St. 19 (25°12’00”N, 109°07’00”W), August 20, 1991, 1M, 2F, I-K, surface to 410 m (TD, 920 m) (ICML-EMU-12808A); St. 19B (25°18’24”N, 109°18’36”W), August 20, 1991, 1M, I-K, from surface to 600 m (TD, 1890 m) (ICML-EMU-12808B). TALUD IV. St. 15 (23°23’30”N, 107°47’48”W), August 24, 2000, 1F, MN, from surface to 1500 m (TD, 2350 m) (ECO-CH-Z-10396). TALUD V. St. 29 (25°14’36”N, 109°24’15”W), December 17, 2000, 1M, MN, from surface to 1290 m (TD, 2040 m) (ICML-EMU-12809). TALUD XI. St. 6A (16°58’00”N, 100°57’00”W), June 7, 2007, 4M, MN, from surface to 1400 m (TD, 1960 m) (ICML-EMU-12810A); St. 19B (17°56’00”N, 103°10’00”W), June 9, 2007, 2M and 1F, MN, from surface to 1490 m (TD, 1750 m) (ICML-EMU-12810B). TALUD XII. St. 4 (16°59’39”N, 100°58’07”W), March 28, 2008, 3M, MN, from surface to 1200 m (TD, 1995 m) (ECO-CH-Z-20397).

Distribution. Indian and Pacific Oceans (Vinogradov et al. 1996). In the eastern Pacific from British Colombia, Canada, to the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico (García Madrigal 2007).

Remarks. Phronimopsis spinifera has been reported by Siegel-Causey (1982) in the central and southern Gulf of California, occasionally abundant but little frequent. Recorded between surface and to 300–500 m depth (Vinogradov et al. 1996, García Madrigal 1982). Related to the California Current system (Bowman 1973, Lavaniegos 2014).