Hyperietta stephenseni Bowman, 1973

Hyperietta stephenseni Bowman, 1973: 61, figs. 46–48; Siegel-Causey, 1982: 148 (key), 155; Vinogradov et al., 1996: 392 (key), 397, fig. 171; Zeidler, 2004: 32 (key), 34; García Madrigal, 2007: 149 (list); Lavaniegos & Hereu, 2009: 142 (tab. 1), 146 (tab. 2), 151 (Appendix 1); Lavaniegos, 2014: 4 (tab. 1), fig. 5; 2017: 18 (tab. 2), fig. 7; Gómez-Gutiérrez et al., 2014: 1019 (tab. 3).

Hyperiietta stephenseni — Brusca & Hendrickx, 2005: 150 (list).

Material examined. 1M in one locality (Fig. 1). TALUD III, St. 19 (25°12’00”N, 109°07’00”W), August 20, 1991, 1M, I-K, surface to 410 m (TD, 920 m) (ICML-EMU-12775).

Distribution. Cosmopolitan in warm seas (Vinogradov et al. 1996). In the eastern Pacific from off the Columbia River, USA, off western Baja California, and in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico (Brusca & Hendrickx 2005, García-Madrigal 2007).

Remarks. A shallow water species, Siegel-Causey (1982) reported it as abundant in the Central Pacific gyre and less abundant in the Gulf of California. In the 0–200 m depth range (García-Madrigal 2007).