Euophrys limpopo sp. nov.

Figs 71–73

Holotype: male, SOUTH AFRICA, Limpopo Province, Magoebaskloof pass, 23°52'S: 30°00'E, 1190 m a.s.l., afromontane forest, sifting leaf litter, 6 November 2012, leg. J.A. Neethling (NCA 2012 /5700).

Diagnosis. The male of this species has palpal organ slightly similar to that in E. gracilis described above, but differs in having a shorter bulb and shorter and finer embolus.

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition, referring to the terra typica, Limpopo Province in South Africa.

Description. Measurements. Cephalothorax: length 1.5, width 1.1, height 0.7. Abdomen: length 1.4, width 1.0. Eye field: length 0.6, anterior 1.0, posterior width 1.1.

Male. General appearance as in Fig. 71, carapace black, eye field with metallic shine, some colourless hairs on carapace. Clypeus clothed in white hairs. Chelicerae with two promarginal teeth and single retromarginal tooth. Sternum and mouth parts blackish. Abdomen oval, blackish with two thin median yellowish stripes on anterior half and chevrons in posterior part. Sides and venter dark with yellowish marks. Spinnerets grey. Lateral surfaces of legs grey, whitish dorsally, only tarsi white, leg hairs black. Long dense black hairs on tibia I ventrally. Pedipalps whitish tinged with grey. Palpal tibia with toothlike protuberance ventrally, embolus fine, forming a loop on tip of bulb (Figs 72, 73).

Female unknown.

Distribution. The type locality only.