The dataset included here is divided into three sheets - two for Experiment 1 (the filter paper experiment), and one for Experiment 2 (the olfactometer experiment). It should be noted that the video analyses for both experiments were conducted blind, as trial identifiers contained no information to reveal the treatment of each side, and treatments were randomly assigned to each side when preparing each trial. When data were input during video analysis, each observation was recorded as 'right' or 'left' rather than 'female' or 'control'. Only after all videos were analyzed did we sync the individual observations to the database metadata and generate totals for each treatment by trial. Finally, each datasheet has been organized in a format condusive to running a paired T-test. ------------------------------------------------------- Sheet descriptions: 'EXP1_DURATION_BY_TRIAL' This sheet includes the trial ID ('trial_id') and the time (in minutes) a male spider spent on each filter paper treatment ('control_total_duration_min' and 'female_total_duration_min') in a given trial. 'EXP1_PALPATION_BY_TRIAL' This sheet includes the trial ID ('trial_id') and the instances of pedipalp palpation behavior (count data) a male spider exhibited on each filter paper treatment ('control_palpation_count' and 'female_palpation_count') in a given trial. 'EXP2_DURATION_BY_TRIAL' As with the two sheets for experiment 1, the data for Experiment 2 have been organized by trial ID ('trial_id') and the time a spider spent (in minutes) in the control arm ('control_total_duration_min) and/or female arm ('female_total_duration_min') of a Y-tube olfactometer. One trial (#19) is shown in grey because the spider did not visit either source arm and was thus omitted from analysis.