Published May 30, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A check list of the family Coccinellidae (Latr., 1807), in Entomological collection of Institute of Zoology

  • 1. AS RUz basic doctoral student of the Institute of Zoology., Uzbekistan.
  • 2. Assistant, Zoology and phyziology department, Natural science Faculty, Karshi state university, Uzbekistan.
  • 3. 13th general secondary education physics teacher, Uzbekistan.
  • 4. Student Natural science, Faculty, Karshi state university, Uzbekistan.


The article provides information about the species of hard-winged insects belonging to the family Coccinellidae (Latr., 1807) in the collection of entomology of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and their distribution areas.


Keywords: Coccinellinae, Scymnus rubromaculatus, Propylaea Mulsant, Adalia decempunctata, Stethorus Weise,

Files - 3.5 - 16 - 2021 A check list of the family Coccinellidae (Latr., 1807), in Entomological collection of Institute of Zoology.pdf